Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Zumba canseled.. What to do... Zumba of course!

There I was, resting before going to Zumba, when I received a message from the gym. Zumba had been canseled due to death in the instructor's family. At first I was sad about not going.. But then I remembered that the other gym also has zumba on Tuesdays.. So I signed up for their zumba and after that class, they had another dance class after Zumba.. They call it "Dance fit," which basicaly is club dancing to the new music being played at clubs. I love clubbing, so those classes are always fun, too.. But very different from zumba.
Here's an example of the music we use in "Dance Fit" (main meaning of the song is... I could use a good cup of coffee)

I arived at the gym about 40 minutes in advance, so I had time to work some weights. I made it through all my routines except two. I will make sure to do those two tomorrow when I have Zumba at the new gym in town. When I was working on my thigs, an instructor came to me and politely said "today is Tuesday and we're having a work out nicely day, which means I'm here to help you improve your work out" - ha I got so scared that he was gonna tell me I was doing everything wrong. Instead he said I was doing it right, but to get more out of my work out, I should slow down when ever I had to lift the weight back up.. Oh well, that advise I could live with.

When I got out from the gym, it was pitch dark and cold. Yes, Fall is just around the corner, I guess I have to remember that from now on. Bringing a warmer jacket might help. I also need to buy a new water bottle. The bottle fell to the ground in the changing room today, which broke the lid. I do have a back up, so tomorrow I'll be using my yellow "Curious George" water bottle.. haha I hope I find a better one. Maybe I can get one after zumba tomorrow, since it's an early class.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My weightloss is showing

I was looking forward to today's zumba. I signed up for 2 and had so much fun.. As always.

Today diffentent people came to me and congratulated me on my weightloss. They said they could see a big difference with me from when I started zumba 2 months ago. It makes me so happy to know that people can actualy tell that my hard work is paying off. I'm on a roll here and I know that if I don't go to zumba most days of the week, I'll end up with my old habbit of sitting at home in front of the computer every day. Zumba is so much more fun!

I went to re-fill my water bottle in the break. When I got back, the instructor was already calling our names.. When he came to mine he said "K... she's always here!" No wonder... if he's there, I'm there. No really, I just love dancing and this is a great alternative to going out clubbing every week-end like I used to do when my friends were single and didn't have kids.

He said that next week he won't be joining us as he's attending a dance expo in the Netherlands. Instead he'll be sending his friend who has a latin dance studio in another city.. I doubt that this new guy can live up to what we're used to, but either way, I think we'll be having fun no matter what. Another change for next classes by the male instructor is that it's in the afternoon. I'll be coming straight from work, which is a new experience for me. I used to do that when I went to the other gym once a week. I also signed up at a Zumba class at the other gym straight from work Wednesday. What I'm looking forward to the most, is not coming home so lste in the evening!

Yesterday I bought my ticket for the Zumba marathon in town. It's October 9th. I still don't know anyone who's going, but I decided that Zumba is my life now, so I should show up and see how much fun it's going to be. It's quite expensive to participate, but since the money will go to support the Breast Cancer awarenes campaign, I'll be glad to do it. Especialy since my mom just celebrated her 10th. anniversary of being cancer free after dealing with breast cancer.

The instructor mentioned the Zumba marathon today and said he would be one of the instructors at the event. Of course I already knew that. He also said that some of his other Zumbanistas from Sweden might attend. I don't know what to think about that. I know the instructor is so popular, but why would people from Sweden show up? Is it cause we're not good enough, so he's bringing them to show off? Hmmmmmm It's ok, I know he likes me and my moves even if I still haven't figured out how to work both my feet and arms at the same time. I think what he likes the most, is that everyone in his classes are doing their best to keep up.

Now I'm resting a bit before going to bed. Tomorrow I have a zumba class with the female instructor. Her classes are so different. It's more like speed dancing than zumba. I know she's not a certified zumba instructor, but I also think that one of the differences that ocur is that she's from Colombia and the male instructor is from Brazil. The guest instructor we'll have next week is from Peru and he joked about his height. Aparently he's very short. None of the instructors in the other gym are certified Zumba instructors and they're all Danish. So all in all, there's a big difference in skills etc. But it's ok. I know that we get the most qualified classes by the guy who has the certification. He's also the most educated and talented of them all. I don't think I'll ever stop feeling honoured being one of his students/ zumbanistas.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

living life dangerously!

Thursday I had to cancel the Zumba class I had previously schduled, as I was going with my family to support my brother in his attempt of going to the semi finals in Danish Stand Up championship. He won second place, which unfortunately was not enough for the semi finals..
The Stand Up show was in another city far away, so we had to drive straight from work. We got there just in time, but did not have time to get dinner before the show. So of course I knew we would be ending up on Mc Donalds.. I try to stay away from Mc Donalds, but as it was 11 PM, it was our only solution. To avoid getting a lot of calories I didn't need, I chose a Happy Meal in order to stay on the minimum sized meal.
As we were only 1 hour from the German border, we decided to stay over night at a hostel and go to the border for some border shopping the next day.

I tried not to buy too much candy. I did buy some and made sure to hide it all so it won't tempt me all the time. I also bought 8 cute tops at a mini mall down there. 2 of them had some monkey princesses and "I love music" written on them. I love music and monkeys so they were made for me! 1 top read "I <3 Djs".. and another one "Dance all night." I know some people might think I'm too old to wear printed tops, but I don't. I don't feel my age, so by wearing funny tops, I feel younger and feel like I'm spreading joy. I also bought some peach softener for my sweaty gym clothes. All in all, I spent a lot of money, but I allowed myself cause I have the money and wanted the things I bought. Why shouldn't I buy what I want when I can afford it?
We arived home late Friday night.

Saturday morning I met with a friend in town at a fashion-second hand event in town where we were attepmting to sell clothes we didn't need. All I sold was a red hat that I had for a couple of years, but never wore as it was too big. I don't think I'll be going to such events again. I think it's a waste of money that you actualy have to pay money to sell things.. That means you have to sell a lot before you earn in the money. So that's not for me.

As I returned home in the afternoon, it felt like the week-end was almost over, simply because I had no work on Friday.

This morning I woke up determined to go to Zumba. but as I looked at the schedule, I realised that there was no Zumba classes today. So instead I came up with another plan to keep myself busy. Cause by keeping busy, I would also avoid the constant craving for candy. So in my head, I made a list of things to do and actualy managed to do all of them.
I put over my laundry, I cleaned my shower and drain that was clogged up by old soap, also cleaned my toilet bowl that had brown calcium. Then I hung my laundry to dry on the balcony. I also had to come up with some other exercise to make it out for not going to zumba. So I rode my bike to Ikea, bought 2 more of the small drying racks I already have. I love that they are small and can easily fit in any corner.. And since they were on sale, I thought 2 more would be nice for when I'm hanging my laundry cause usualy I have to hang those over some chairs in door. I wanted to go to the supermarket afterwards, but because I was riding my bike with the two drying racks ounder my arm, I decided to go home with those first and then jump back on the bike to go to the supermarket. So I think I did ok for a Sunday.

I also decided to finaly sign up for the Zumba marathon October 9th. It's quite expensive, but money will be given to the Breat Cancer society and since my mom has been cancer free for 10 years now, I want to celebrate by donating money and having fun at the same time! I don't know what to expect since I'll probably be going alone. But no matter what, it's gonna be a lot of fun!

I've been looking at the various Zumba classes in the next couple of weeks. I decided I need more than what I had already put on my schedule, thinking of the candy I have been eating this week-end and probably will be eating till it's gone. And also I want to keep my weightloss going and therefore can't allow myself to be lazy. Of course, if I feel one day that I have to skip a class, it'll be ok, but I need Zumba in my life from now on! So I filled up my callendar again and it feels great. I've got to keep busy instead of becoming sloppy.
I'm watching "Bridget Jones' Diary" on tv right now. Oh yes, I think most girls have had a time when they felt like Bridget Jones. I might be single and missing a man in my life, but for a change I feel good about myself. And you know what they say. Other people won't like you if you don't like yourself. So who knows, maybe someone will show up for me some day. I hope so. In the meantime, I have Zumba to entertain me and make me feel good about myself!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Zumba instructor is a Super Star!

Tonight's Zumba was great as always. The instructor usualy has a playlist ready for us at his Ipod, but this time he said "Let's try something else and just have fun with it!" He just received a new cd from the Zumba community (?) with new zumba music and new choregraphs.. But since he is so talented himself, he said he didn't want to use the choregraphs  that came with the cd, so instead we were gonna try something new. Brand new steps to brand new music. It was "crazy fun." I love that he makes steps and routines that everyone should be able to follow.. Of course, when he says now do this and that with the arms, I loose focus a lot.. When I dance, I'm used to only think about my feet and let my arms do pretty much what they want to do. But with Zumba, everything has to be controlled.. I see some progress, though.. And I've only been doing Zumba for 2 months, so I still have time ahead of me.

The instructor is from Brazil and today he taught us a dance that they dance at the Braszilian carnival. He said "when you go to the carnival in Brazil, all you need to wear is underwear and good dancing shoes" Cause it's so crowded and you sweat a lot. Then he talked about my shoes again..  Saying that "all the way back in this room, there are some nice zumba shoes and they're really good!" I showed them all my shoes again and that was it. I'm realy pleased with my shoes. Knowing how weak my ancles are, I need the best shoes possible, which was also why I wanted to buy the special shoes.

In the second class, he said he wanted to play some other music that what he played at the first class, since he know that some of us joined both his classes. It was funny. When I went to the toilet to change my t-shirt in the break, one of the other women asked me if I was leaving, cause they're so used to me being at both classes.. Ha.. Of course I was staying for the second class. When I had changed my t-shirt in the bathroom, the instructor was waiting outside to do the same. Zumba is great. It makes you burn calories and have fun at the same time. I love it!

Because the Zumba instructor is so talented, he just got a new job to do abroad in the near future.. But he promised that whenever he was abroad, he would send in a guest teacher. With his talent, I'm sure he will only let us have the best of the best.. But of course I prefer him to anyone.
He said he's been working with Usher, Madonna and MTV. So I wonder who he's going to be working for now. I feel blessed to have him as my instructor. His talent might not be rubbing off, but he always says he's satisfied with the work we put into zumba. And I'm sure he's not gonna forget about us. He realy gives us the impression that we mean something to him. I'll make sure to sign up for all classes in the future, him or a guest instructor, it's all good, cause all I want is to Zumba!

I dropped 1 kg. (2-20 lbs) in one day!

I was so tired yesterday before going to Zumba.. I think it must be because of the bad weather that set in the day before. It's been nothing but storm and rain for days now. But afterall, I did go to zumba tired and dreaming of a nap. But as I returned home, my energy was back.

Monday's 2 classes of zumba realy paid off. I FINALY hit the 15 kg. (33,07 lbs)... But not only that.. I managed to drop a whole kg. (2.20 lbs).. That leaves me at a total of 15,8 kg. (34,83 lbs) and I'm so proud and happy, too. For a while there, I was thinking that my weightloss had reached the climax, but now I think I can go much further and it makes me so happy!

Tonight I'll be going to another 2 classes with the male instructor. He knows that some of us are there to lose weight and have fun, so I think he will know which moves will do the trick tonight, too, like he did the other night. I'll report back later!

Monday, August 23, 2010

My hips don't lie!

Weather today has been realy crappy... Raining since I got off from work in the afternoon and getting worse every five minutes. It wasn't the most motivating weather for dancing zumba.. But as soon as I was in the changing room and put on my shoes, I was in the mood. Only problem was, whenever I looked out the window or the open door, the rain was pouring down.

Today was the male zumba instructor and I signed up for both of his classes. He's Brasilian and the minute he steped in the room and showed his smile, we were all so ready to start the party. Zumba is always a party. He was a couple of minutes late today because he was private tutoring a kid getting ready to be tested for a ballet school in Sweden. That's how talented he is. He's a pro at anything that involves Dancing and I feel honoured to be one of his "students."

He wanted to introduce us to songs that he didn't realy like, but that we should be able to zumba to anyway. One of them was Shakira's "waka waka." I think all instructors are using this song, but the moves are very different. We also heard a hip hop song, which is actualy one of my favorites, so of course I gave myself 110 % when dancing.. I think it's easy to see when I hear some music that I like, cause I realy dance my butt off then, but with a smile instead of a concentrated face.

We also had to practice our salsa steps, 2 and 2.. When he came to me he said I was moving my hips perfectly. No wonder. My hips are so big, that I can't make a move without my hips moving.. But it's ok.. That's part of being woman and now that I have a slim waist again, it's ok that my hips move. Especialy when the cute instructor say I'm doing it right!

In the break I wanted to catch a breath of fresh air by the open door and the instructor came over to see if it was still raining cats and dogs... And it was.

As of today, he started calling our names before class, which is a formality they have to do because they give you a small ticket if you signed up for a class and not show up. I noticed that he remembered my name from the first class when he said it in the second time. I'm already predicting that I'll be one of those he won't even have to call cause he knows I'll be there. He knows I love zumba. I told him once, that I could zumba every day if it was possible.

Starting next week, there's only gonna be zumba classes on Tuesdays and Fridays at this gym, but tonight the instructor let us in on a few future plans. He might be having classes in the week-end too.. And not only zumba. Because he's a man with so many resources, he will also be guiding us into what kind of food to eat and what kind of exercises we should do besides zumba. I realy belive Zumba is gonna change my life forever. I feel it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Couldn't stay away from Zumba!

I woke up this morning with a funny feeling in my body.. I needed a zumba fix. It might have something to do with the fact that I was determined to go check out the new gym in town so I would know how it was before attending zumba there in the near future.

I checked the program for the new gym and saw they had zumba on today's schedule.. And since I was already going in there to get a tour, I signed up for the class.. Let's face it. 3 days without zumba was just too much for me to go through.. So I signed up for a class in the afternoon.

I got there about 40 minutes earlier so I had time to have the tour and hopefuly do my regular routine weights. Since the new gym is located right in the center of the city in a brand new mini mall, I asumed that the gym would be bigger than the one I usualy go to. But I was wrong. It was very tiny. The changing room was smaller and they only had one of each machine.. Except for the treadmill and bikes. I guess it was easier for me to find what I needed since the place was so small. I managed to do 5 of my usual 6 routines. I couldn't use the total abdnormal machine since someone was at it.. But all in all I was happy with my work out. The room for the zumba class was very small and very packed. I never saw this many women show up for zumba before. That just shows how much people feel like dancing on a Sunday afternoon.

Before we started dancing, two women came to me and asked me about my shoes. They noticed I wore real zumba shoes and wanted to see them underneath, so we talked a bit and I told them where to find the shop. For some reason, people either think that the zumba shoe shop is only on-line or in another part of the city. I know for a fact that people have been going to the shop after the male instructor at the other gym, had advised them to get proper shoes. I'm sure these two women had been at the class when he demonstrated my shoes, but I didn't recognise them.. I felt like the center of attention again.

The zumba instructor turned out to be my favorite instructor in the gym chain. She's always full of energy and know how to make everyone kick ass. She brought two new songs today that she wanted to test out. And she said that we were very succesful, so she'll be using those songs again. Of course I forgot which songs it was.. One of them was "Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps."

I wore one of my new t-shirts and I feel like going back to the store to buy more. The fabric was so loose and breathable that although I was sweating like I used to, it didn not show on the t-shirt. Now that is a great ability for a t-shirt to have on those days when I have 2 hours of zumba in a row. So I'll definitely be wearing the other one tomorrow and then go back to the store and buy more.

I keep looking on-line for zumba music.. Zumba music is still very new to me. Well reggaeton I already knew, but latin music is new to me.. And every night I'll go on youtube looking for new songs. Sometimes I can't find the music there, but then I will try itunes to see if I have better luck. I just found a song I have been looking for several times... It's "Academia do Créu" by Mc Créu in a special Zumba mix that the male instructor always have us do. He's Brasilian.. The song is actualy from an album called "Funk do Brasil." I don't know Portugese, but the thing with music is, you don't have to understand the words as long as you understand the rhytm. I know Spanish, though, so in some of the songs we use in Zumba, I'll know what they sing. Well, I'll download the album from Itunes tomorrow. In the meantime, I want to share this video.. I think it was a very creative use of the song

And one of my relatives found this video for me today.. He didn't know this, but the instructor we had at Zumba today, always has us drawing those boxes.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Shopping Friday!

Since my schedule has been so busy this week, today I finaly managed to do a bit of shopping.
Today I was looking for new t-shirts to wear at zumba. I've been thinking, that maybe if I find a tight black t-shirt, I can put a lovely tank top on top in a bright color since I've noticed that most colorful tops are tank tops. I went to a couple of shops in the mall to check out prices and finaly I ended up buying two black t-shirts that fit perfect in a size S. I can wear them alone or with something on top. I'm very pleased with my purchased.

I've also been looking for originaly zumba wear on-line and finaly ended up buying a black tank top with "Zumba" written on the chest. Can't wait to see it.

Since today was my first "zumba free," I basicaly haven't been doing anything except resting on the sofa since I got home. I plan on going to town tomorrow, which means it's time for me to go to bed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Zumba free week-end!

I've had quite a busy zumba schedule this week. But today I managed to squeeze in a dentist apointment between work and zumba. On my way to the dentist, I had time to stop by a small thrift shop. I love thrift shops and decorate my apartment with vintage and retro furniture that I find. The only think I liked at this thrift shop, was a small spice rack in red. It's pure retro and will look perfect in my kitchen.

I came out from the dentist with zero cavities. I felt so relieved and very happy. So happy that I feel like spoiling myself again. I've been thinking about getting an Ipod for a while now. But I didn't need it since I already have a 4GB mp3 player with a radio. But the problem is. I have too much music on there and I can't find a specific song when I want to hear it. So I was thinking that maybe an Ipod would make it possible for me to store the music in different groups. I have no idea, but it's something I want to look into. That would make it much easier for me to find the music I want to hear on the way to Zumba. I think the various zumba instructors have inspired me. They all bring their music on their Ipod or Iphones.. so simple.

I read somewhere, that the pain you often get from exercising realy hits you 2 days after your work out. So I did some calculating and found out that Sunday will be my only day without muscle pain.

Zumba Monday (2 classes) - brought pain Wednesday
Zumba Tuesday - brought pain Thursday (today)
Zumba Wednesday (2 classes) - brings pain Friday
Zumba Thursday (today) - brings pain Saturday
No Zumba Friday - brings no pain Sunday

My zumba schedule is the same next week, except for Thursday when I have to skip a class and go see my brother compete for Danish Stand Up Championship. The next day I'm going on a shopping spree to Germany. Usualy going to Germany means buying cheap candy.. But this time I'm telling myself "it's not worth it." Last time we went there, I gained so much weight in the following months, so this time I'm determined not to buy un-healthy things. Instead I will focus on nice things like clothes, beauty suply and possibly chewing gum.

I already have my sweaty zumba clothes spinning in the machine. Just in case I decide to go to a gym in the weekend. There is a new gym in town that I want to go check out, since I might join their zumba classes in a couple of weeks.  It's pitch dark outside, but I hope I can see enough out there to hang up the clothes to dry.

But for now, it's a Zumba free weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Me as center of attention...

Today I had 2 classes of zumba.. I already ran out of my normal gym clothes, so I was a bit worried when showing up in my haremspants that I found suited me fine, yet I wasn't sure how comfortable they would be to dance in.. I tested a few dance steps at home, and decided it would be best if I wore something underneath. And I'm glad that I did.. Cause we were doing fast twist which meant that my thighs would be sticking together if it wasn't for my tights underneath.

The male instructor always makes sure that we understand the meaning of zumba, which muscles we're working with when we do this and that and so on.. And another thing he always mentions are.. Shoes. Some people think that because zumba is based around latin dancing, they should come without shoes. Other people use running shoes or even just flat sneakers. Because of my weak ancles, I was testing out different shoes cause it's very important for me that I use shoes that are very soft. Well, the instructor talked about the many people who were using the wrong shoes in today's class. Then he said that there was some real zumba shoes designed for dancing. And to help him out a bit, I pointed to my shoes and he was so happy to see them!! He then came to be, brought me to the middle of the floor, lifted my leg, twisted it and started talking about my shoes. It was very funny! He also said they were so new that he could kiss them. This guy is the best. It's true what they say, his energy rub off on all of us.. No wonder he's always so happy. He teaches zumba 23 hours a week. I'm happy with just a couple of classes. Tomorrow will be my sixth zumba class this week. I'm so proud of myself and I'm also so happy that I found a new sport, something that works for me.. Something that I love doing!

Zumba is keeping me busy. I no longer sit in front of the computer or tv all day. I always have something to do. I love it! I don't feel bored anymore at all.

From September, there will be a new zumba schedule at the gym.. I can now take the classes on Tuesday and Friday only.. But I can combine those with classes at another gym. For the fun of it, I looked around various gyms to see if I could add more days. But when I look at the prices, I don't think I'll do it. But never say never.
I have decided to move all my old posts on the blog to my new blog. I was never realy happy about the name of this blog as I decided to dedicate my life to zumba.. So my new blog is http://www.zumbaliciousliving.blogspot.com/ and I love the name!
(Written Wednesday, August 18, 2010)

Zumba - 3 classes done - 3 more to go!

I am resting on the sofa before going to bed.
Today was a zumba class with the female instructor. She tends to do things fast and it's up to you if you wanna keep up or go in your own tempo. I always try to keep up, but when she starts to rush too much, I think about my weak joints and go in my own tempo.. I sweat a lot, like usual.

Yesterday I had 2 zumba classes with the male instructor. People are different and I alwaye hear people discussing which instructor is the best. I realy think he is! He takes the time to explain things and will show us routines without music first, to make sure we got it. That's the main difference. He's been as dancer and choregrapher most of his life, so I think he has great teaching skills, and I like that. And of course I also like the fact that he is a guy with a cute smile and great sense of humor. He said that in his next class, we will be dancing African style zumba. I'm looking forward to that. I have been to quite a few African partys and love African music, so no matter what, tomorrow will be fun! I already imagine a lot of butt shaking.

Speaking of butts.. Tonight our Columbian instructor wore white pants and you could see right through them.. So I couldn't help but think to myself how much more pleasent it had been watching the male instructor's butt than her thong!

I went to the mall after work today. I wanted to check out the "Zumba clothing package" the sport shop had in the catalogue. It was a realy great offer. But when I tried it on, I didn't like it. The shirt was too thin and the capri pants were a bit too tight, so I decided not to buy it. Instead I'll but the "Crazy Happy" top I wrote about earlier.
Tonight I heard that there might be some changes in the new schedule at the gym I go to for zumba now. I was hoping it would be for the better, but instead it sounded like there is only going to be one weekly zumba class.. And I was realy happy with going 4 times a week. Now I have to come up with something else again. And since the male instructor is so popular, I think he stops, too. I realy hope that's not true, cause I' going to miss him. But I'm doing my research, so hopefuly I'll be able to maintain my busy schedule in the future. I check evey zumba option there is in town, just to see if it can make my life and schedule any better.

I wore my new zumba/ dance shoes yesterday. And funny enough, someone brought flyers from the shop I got them from.. The instructor saw it and said a few words about the shoes... He also said, of the two pairs on the flyer, the one I bought was the best for zumba. So I was right when I decided that the whole sole was better for my weak ancle. He didn't say why, he just said it was better. I don't think he saw that I was already wearing a pair. I could definitely feel a difference. The new shoes feather better in the heel. I still need to adjust to them a bit, but today they felt normal to wear.

(Written Tuesday, August 17, 2010)

Blogging on the road

Just a short note from my cell phone. Am on my way to a zumba class right now, but thought I'd try out posting from my phone.

If I'm not too tired, I'll try to write a longer blog when I get home.

(Tuesday, August 17, 2010)

I bought new zumba shoes!

My walk Friday evening was very succesful. I was gone for 2,5 hours.. I brought a huge bag of old bread with me in case there would be any hungry ducks. But I was lucky. There were more than ducks there.. An entire Swan familiy counting mom, dad and 6 ducklings came over to have some bread. I love swans and the ducklings are so cute.

This picture should give you an idea of just how pretty the nature is around the pond nearby where I live. Of course it had to start raining when I was on my way home.. But that didn't bother me. I was happy with my accomplishment! Returning home from a long walk at 8:15 PM was just a great feeling for a Friday evening.

Saturday I decided to get up early so I could go to town before the shops close. My mission for the day was to buy proper zumba shoes and stop by the farmers market on my way.

The farmers market was rather boring. Not at all like it used to be. I wanted to buy sweetie lemons, but all they had were the red lemons.. So I didn't buy any.

The zumba shoe shop in town is new and very small. It has only been open for 1 month and already it's very popular since zumba is becoming more and more popular. No wonder. I haven't heard one person say anything negative about zumba. When I got to the shop, another woman was trying on shoes. When it was my turn, the woman who owns the shop asked me about my feet.. If I had wide or narrow feet, what size etc. Now I already knew that I have very wide feet.. But the size varies a lot for me.. Depending on the shoe, I can be either a EUR 41 or EUR 42.. Sometimes I'm in between those two. Turned out to be a 42 in these shoes. She tried to sell me purple shoes cause zumba is all about having fun and wearing fun colors. But I wanted black shoe for one reason... So it could go with any kind of pants I want to wear and being black, I could always change the color of my shoe laces depending on my mood.

Because of my wide feet, there were only 2 models for me to chose from. A shoe with a whole shoe sole and one that only had a sole on the toe part and the heel. Because of my weak ancles, I decided on the whole sole. As I walked out of the shop, I was already looking forward to testing them at home in my living room.

Since I was already spending money, I decided to go have a look at the gym clothes in the many sport shops in town. Because I will now be doing zumba more than twice a week, it would be nice with more clothes so I wouldn't have to wash all the time. I want capri pants, but they seem very expensive. Note you, I'm new in the "buy clothes to fit your activity" field.. I used to always find something to wear at home. But now that I know zumba is my new life, I've decided that it's ok to spend money on clothes etc. I ended up buying a pair of runners tights cause they were a lot cheaper. I still have huge thigs, but my selfesteem keeps getting better and I'm actualy starting to think that I look slimmer wearing tights. When I got home, I actualy found some other pants that will be more apropriate for zumba.
Zumba is all about happy colors and I love colors. So when I saw messenger bags for 25 DKR (4,3 $) in pink and lime green, I just had to buy them. And I'm glad I did. Going to zumba 4 times I week, the more organized I can get, the better. So as a test, I packed a bag for each day and all I need to do is put the shoes in the right bag! It might show up to be a terrible idea, but for now, it's a test. The bags are in the brand "Phase" and are of recycled material. They used to be a lot more expensive, so I think I made a bargain. I wasn't sure if they were big enough for my gym gear, but they actualy are. The blue bag is my regular gym bag. Since I have zumba classes 4 times this upcoming week, 3 bags isn't even enough if I want to change bag all the time. But I'm pretty sure that I will not be spending all bags. It's funny, 2 months ago, I couldn't find a nice bag with great color and now I own 3. Love it!

When I got home from a great shopping spree, I changed the shoe laces in my new zumba shoes, from black to pink since I usualy wear a pink top when I'm dancing zumba.

I just took what I had, but in the future I'll probably change these shoe laces with something more fun.

I put on the shoes and started dancing.. It felt great.. My floor was making more noise than usual. I hope the same thing won't happen at the gym tomorrow.. The woman in the shop told me I should wear the shoe out on concrete for a few minutes, and that should minimize the feeling of "new sole" - I'll see if I remember to do that tomorrow. The shoes have suede on them, so I also want to spray them before I wear them.. Just in case I need to clean them later.
This morning (Sunday), I woke up to a weightloss of 14,7kg. (32,4 lbs), which means I'm very close to my "midway goal".. I wanted to treat myself with the shoes when I hit 15kg. (33,7 lbs), so hopefuly tomorrow I will have earned my shoes!
Today has been a hot day, so I spent most of the day on my balcony. I brought the new sales catalogues and found an add reading "ZUMBA PAKKE" (zumba package).. A sport shop at the mall is now selling a package of shoe, capri pants and a fitness top. If you buy all three things, you actualy get the shoes for free. It's very tempting, I must say. Especialy now that I'm always at zumba and always in need of more tops to wear. I'll think about it and maybe go check it out.
Zumba is not suppose to be an expensive sport. You can literaly come as you are.. Only think you should make sure of, is to bring proper shoes. But zumba is also a very happy sport and because you get so happy and start to feel great, you also want to make the zumba classes more fun wearing nice and colorful clothes.. Atleast that's how I feel. Another reason for me to want to buy new clothes is.. I lost weight, I look good and I now feel comfortable showing my legs in capri pants. 4 months ago I would think of my legs as being too chubby for capri pants.
I see my passion for shooping these days as away of thanking myself for starting my new journey in my life. Therefor it is ok for me to spend money on things that makes me happy!
I'm excited to see where Zumba will take me!


Welcome to my Abs and biceps!

I was planning on going to the shop that sells the actual dance/ zumba shoes in town.. But decided to go tomorrow instead. With some luck ( a lot of it ), I will reach my 15 kg.(33,07 lbs) tomorrow.. Which means, it's time to treat myself with a gift.. I'll definitely go have a look at the shoes tomorrow.. I hope to buy some, too..
I'll continue to treat myself with something whenever I feel I earned it. I already have a list: Shoes, hair cut and a jacket/ coat for Fall.. Cause let's face it. Although I have jackets that fit me last year, my waist has gone completely bananas this summer.. I'm actualy seeing abs!!! Even my arms have biceps now. It's amazing.. I never in my life imagined that would happen to me.. I still don't like to see the bingo arms under my arm, but my biceps are becoming more and more noticable. Don't worry. I won't allow myself to end up looking like Hulk. But I do want to maintain. Today was my first time to see my biceps, so I'm still very amused by looking at them.. haha

Another thing I want to treat myself with is this top. Crazy Happy describes exactly who I am.. I have been using the nickname crazy since 1998 and zumba has definitely put a smile on my face. So I will put this on my shopping list, too. I already use pink tops for my zumba classes, so this one is going to be a perfect match.
The other day I met my friend. She told me I looked much slimmer now.. And she said my neck seemed longer. I think that might also have something to do with my happiness. Whenever you're happy, you tend to lift your head higher and smile at the world. I think that is why. Everyone should be facing the world with a smile on their face. I'm not always happy, but my weightloss is making me proud and happy. If you're struggling with weightloss yourself, just remember.. even the smallest steps are a victory!
My next zumba class isn't till Monday. So in order to stay healthy, I've decided to go for a somewhat long walk to a pond nearby. That's my exercise for today and it's also away to stay away from food for some time. When I return, I'll have something healthy for dinner. This morning I had a bun and a Danish at work. We get that every Friday and I never find it a problem. As long as I eat healthy for the rest of the day, it's ok for me to eat unhealthy foods too every now and then. That is my advice to everyone.. don't deprive yourself from the food you love. Just eat smaller portions or healthy food for the rest of the day. You will find your diet easier to follow if you allow yourself to have "snacks from the past" every now and then!


4 hours of zumba this week!

Monday I went to 2 hours of pure zumba. Normaly there's only 1 zumba lesson a day, but the male instructor at my gym is a pro so he has 2 classes.. And of course I signed up to both of them cause I love to dance!! I'm far from a pro and he did have to come down holding my hands as he showed me the steps 1 - 2 - 3... Reminded me so much of river dance.. Oh well, he finaly let go of my hands and I was free again.. I don't really like it that he comes so close.. Why? Cause he's really cute and it's so embaressing that he finds you doing a mistake. I wonder if he shook hands with Madonna like that when he was helping her with her dance steps? In the 5 minute break between the two classes, he saw me waiting and asked if I was joining the second class, to which I replied "yes!" - He was really happy to hear that. He's such a happy spirit and for a few seconds I thought I had made him even happier ;) 2 other people from the first class had decided to join the second class, so he told the others to look at what we did.. As if I already knew the steps to the dance he just taught us.. I can move my hips alright, but the dance required an almost worm shape with the spine and I don't know how to move my spine like that yet.. But I think there's hope for improvement. I can definitely see that he's also been helping out Usher..
The next day we had the female instructor.. I heard some women say that she's the best instructor out of those two.. But I don't think there's a difference.. They tend to do things different, but I like both ways. The guy is spending some quality time explaining about the muscles, anatomy etc.. and the woman skips everything and at times it gets too fast I think.. And both ways have showed out to be very effectful. My stomach has never been as flat and toned as it is today, If it wasn't for the lump of lose skin on my stomach, my stomach would show a 4 pack.. working on the 6 pac, haha.. Now that my stomach has become nicely toned, I hope I will start to lose some of the fat on my thigs.
Today I have a zumba class at my regular gym.. I decided to go there so I could use the weights for 45 minutes before zumba. I will make sure to stop by that gym every now and then to work on the weights.. I see how sloppy my arms are starting to look cause I lost a lot of the fat, so although we tone the arms at zumba, the weights will be a better way to shape up I think.
I went on the scale this morning and had lost 14 kg. (30,86 lbs).. I told myself that when I hit 15 kg. (33,07 lbs), I would buy myself a gift.. The gift might very well be the real dancer's shoe for zumba.. I like the new ones I bought, but I think the other ones might be more ideal.. So I will go buy them soon.. I know I probably won't hit that weight tomorrow.. But I still plan on having a look at the shoes tomorrow after work.
When I hit the 20 kg. (44,09 lbs), I might go have my hair done at the salon.. I rarely go to the hair salon since my hair is long.. But I think it would be nice to have it shaped a bit before Fall.
Next week I signed up for zumba classes:
Monday: 2 hours

Tuesday: 1 hour

Wednesday: 2 hours

Thursday: 1 hour

I love dancing and zumba is showing me so many good results, both on the scale and on my body shape.. I get more and more compliments on my weightloss.. And people say I look so happy.. And I tell them it's because of Zumba. Read in a magaszine that someone said "Zumba is Happiness" and it's true.. because of the many endorphins you release while dancing, you feel a constant rush that makes you happy. Gotta love that!


Zumba and Reggae!

wanted to make an up-date sooner, but never got around to it. I guess it's a good thing, cause it means I've been busy and had things to do for a change.
Monday they shop called me to let me know, that my new Skecher Shape Ups shoes had arived. I went to pick them up after work. I told them at the shop, that I had been wearing my old shoes almost every day cause the shape ups had shown to be very good for my weak ancles. I used to have problems with my ancles because I didn't walk probably. I would twist my ancles and sometimes even my big toe, causing me to lose balance and fall because I didn't put my feet down the right way when walking. But with the shape ups, I'm forced to put the feet down the propper way and the soft sole makes them so comftable to wear. You can definitely see how I wear down all of my shoes, when you see the picture of my old vs. new shoes.



Tuesday I was able to buy some new shoes for Zumba. I bought a cheap pair of black sneakers. Tested them out in the shop to make sure they were soft enough to use for dancing. In zumba you move around fast and jump, you need something soft to land on.. And with my weak ancles, I know what the difference between a good and a bad sole is for my feet. I added pink shoelaces to spice them up a little and I'm happy with the result.

Tuesday night was zumba night.. It was the first time with our Columbian instructor after her 3 weeks vacation.. She started out tough and we tried hard to keep up, but it was fun as always. Thursday was also zumba night and it was a bit easier to follow the instructor this time. However, it was very hard to move around since there were so many people this time.. She then said, that they were working on making it work so that we will be using a bigger room in the future.. Cause Zumba has become so popular! No wonder.. Zumba is the most effective and fun work-out I ever tried and I always look forward to my next class.

I noticed a poster at the gym Tuesday saying that the Brazilian male instructor was signed up for new classes in August, so I made sure to sign up for all of his classes... And I mean all!! He has 2 classes in a row each time, so I'll be dancing zumba for 2 hours.. Fine by me cause I love to dance!!!

This upcoming week, I'll be going to zumba Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The following week will look the same, but I will also be there on Wednesday. I love it. I really would go to the gym every single day if I could join a zumba class.

Friday I went to watch the movie "Inception" with 2 of my friends.. I love action movies, but I must admit that in the end, it was starting to get too complicated for my brain to follow.. But all in all it was a great movie! We had lunch at "Sunset Boulevard" and I had the smallest menu. I also bought some candy to bring to the movie. I might be on a diet, but if I'm going somewhere, I allow myself to eat the same as everyone else. If your diet is too strict, I think the risk of failing and giving up, is bigger. I guess I should mention, that before heading to the movies, I tried on my favorite pants that I had bought in a smaller size after my weightloss in 2008. They didn't fit me in a while cause, well, I put on weight and my thigs grew back to my old pants again... But this Friday I was able to put on my smaller sized pants again and it was a wonderful feeling!

Thursday on my way to the gym, I saw a poster showing the program for a club in town.. And Saturday 2 reggae singers would be there. Jah Turban and Splif Click would actualy come from Copenhagen to Aalborg. I was attending my uncle and cousin't birthday party Saturday... and the Reggae show was also Saturday. But I made it work. I had bbq with the family and when they were about to have desert, I met with my friend who lived in the neighborhood and then we went to the reggae party.

It was so much fun. Finaly there was a club playing great music all night long! Usualy we can't find a club here in Aalborg that doesn't play techno or dance music.. So we made sure to enjoy the night to the max! We were there from 11 PM till 4 AM! Just like back in the days, and it was awesome. Of course we were almost twice the age of the other people in the club, but that was ok. I'm pretty sure we were the only two who actualy knew what reggae music was. Can you believe that I was actualy at a reggae festival back in 1989... I was just 13 years old. Really funny to look back on now. I don't remember the music at all, but I remember how I dressed up two of my friends so they could join me,, We wore harem like pants, long necklaces and my college jackets.. Not exactly what I would wear if I were going today. I rememer that there was a bonfire and people were having a good time.. Were people smoking ganja?? I'm pretty sure, but we were there for the music and the experience I suppose.

Here's a link to a video showing clips of Jah Turban's new songs.

He's the most talented reggae singer in Denmark if you ask me. but so is Splif Click, here's his new song "like a soldier"

I always loved music. I have a cousin who's a couple of years older than me, and she introduced me to Bob Marley. I borrowed all of her cassette tapes and made my own copies. I remeber that I also started collecting insence right about that time. I never smoked weed, marijuana, ganja or whatever you want to call it. For me it has always been about the music! I also got a really cool 3d Bob Marley poster that's still hanging on the door or my old room eventhough I moved out 14 years ago ;)

Today I've been very lazy. I guess my body decided that I needed to rest after being out all night.. So I didn't get out of bed till noon. Since then, I spent all day on the sofa. Tomorrow another busy week of work and zumba begins.


Summer party in the rain

The plans for last night changed a bit, since one of the girls who were suppose to come to my place, got ill.. So instead, I spend the entire day and evening with my other friend, whom I went to the mall with.. It was nice to spend time with her again, as we don't do that too often now that she's married and lives a bit far away. Well, not that far.. But an 11 minute train ride away.
I took the train home around 11:30 PM. It was clear, that the city she now lives in, is much smaller than where I live. Teenagers were at the station, dressed up for party and drinking. Here in Denmark you have to be 18 to drink, and some of these guys had just barely crossed that age. As I stood there, listening to the girls' conversation, it reminded me of my own early days of clubbing. I used to love that. And I still do, which is probably why I was starting to feel a bit jealous of these happy young people. I knew where they were headed. Cause living in a small city, of course you would want to get on a train out of there, to go clubbing in the big city. Personaly, I live in a suburb myself, but with only a few minutes to the center, it feels like the city out here, too. Especialy after the mall came out here... And Ikea.. I now think of this area, as the center, cause we have it all here! Except for the clubs.. But that's ok.. They're only a bus ride away.

I couldn't sleep when I got home. But eventualy, I went to bed at 2 AM.

I woke up at 6 AM.. I'm serious.. I really think zumba is boosting my body with energy in a way, that I don't feel so tired.. Well, in the evening I will yawn, but that's all. Or maybe it was because I was excited about today, that I had woke up so early.

Today, my parents throw the annual birthday/ summer party for the family at their summer house.. It's a tradition that everyone asks about.. Fine by me, cause that means my aunts and uncles still buy me presents. The same thing happens with my younger brother's birthday.. As he was born December 25th., everyone in the family comes to an anual birthday/ Christmas party as well.

I was a bit sceptic about the weather. And I still am. It keeps changing from rain, to something that looks like it's clearing up, then turns grey and rainy again.. That is giving me many thoughts on what to wear.

I think I will go with the summer dress I originaly planned on wearing, but with a long sleeved top underneath..

Last time I wore this dress, was at my aunt and uncle's wedding in 2007 and I looked very chubby then.. But since I was never afraid of bold colors, I bought the summer dress and made it work with a scarf covering my big arms. Now I'm totaly ok with wearing it without covering my arms.. My waist has also slimmed down drastic since then, and the dress probably fits perfect now compared to back then, when I just decided to make it fit.

My problem area number 1, has always been my big butt.. But the part of my body I always hated the most, was my upper arms. I always loved wearing small tops.. And when I did go clubbing every week-end, I always had on a perfect cute top, but had to cover up my arms.. With my own solution. A see-through open shirt.. I admit that it sometimes ruined the outfit, that I always had on that open shirt. But since I love to dance, I would always be shaking my arms a lot whenever I was out dancing.. and to prevent people from seeing the fat on my upper arms go from side to side, I noticed that the black see-through shirt, would cover up a great deal.

I swore many times, that if I had the money, I would have a fat suction on my upper arms cause they have been my biggest pain to look at throughout the years.. Now my confidence is good enough for my to walk around wearing a sleeveless shirt... Cause by walking around, I don't put my arms in the air revealing the fat. But when I am occasionaly going out, I will find my old best friend, the black see-through open shirt.

I did go out for a few hours last Friday.. And I had come up with an ok styling of my spaghetti strapped top and the sleeved open shirt. My friend who is very skinny, doesn't understand why I always have to cover up my arms. But really, they're a nightmare to me. I am noticing how the fat on my upper arms has started to shrink in. I can now twirl the skin.. That means, less fat. I really do hope, that some day I will be satisfied with my upper arms and not have to worry about the bingo arms. It actualy looks funny now that it has shrinked in, cause everything is hanging so lose. I wonder if I'll end up having to get a skin reduction on my arms. I think I will put that on my list of goals.. To lose enough weight to get a skin reduction on my arms. If I ever slim down my thigs, I don't think a skin reduction will be neccesary, cause losing weight slowly, is actualy making your skin find its' own new shape... Or so I've heard.. but it would be nice to see how much more I can slim down.

My stomach and waist are smaller than ever.. but my butt and thigs were actualy smaller during my last weightloss.. If only I had listened to the instructors word "The wave machine is not good for people with a tendency for big thigs" - She became my worst enemy when she told me that.. Cause I had been using the wave machine everytime I came to the gym, because it was the only cardio machine I seemed to be able to use without either my knee or ancle hurting... And I noticed how I burnt calories a lot faster on that one. Up untill I started zumba, I would use the wave machine for 30 minutes, burning 500 calories.. Then zumba became my new best friend. They say, that you can burn 1000 calories in an hour, which is basicaly the same as I did on the wave machine... Only zumba is so much better, and work on the entire body.


Early morning zumba..

The rain is coming down like crazy today.

I woke up at 6:30 Am, knowing I had to get on a bus at 7:26 Am to be at an early morning zumba class. Despite the grey weather and me being a bit tired, I made it there for the class at 10 Am. Only 7 people showed up on the grey Friday morning. But as always, zumba is fun. It doesn't matter if your're 5 or 50 participants.. The goal is the same. To have fun!

I had time to do 3 weight skills before the class.. yesterday I had a lot more time, so I did more than usual.. But I'm ok with the work I put in at the gym today, knowing I had a super busy day ahead of me.

I'm really just home to relax for a bit before my friend is picking me up to go to the mall. She wants to take her wedding pictures to the photo shop and she asked me to bring my pictures as well, knowing I always takes tonz of pictures.. So we'll be at the mall for a bit. Then go to her place so she can see the slide show I put together of the pictures...

Later in the evening, I have 2 friends coming over for dinner.. We planned on bbq, but looking at the weather, we'll skip that and have some roasted chicken and salad in door instead. I should probably plan it a bit before I leave, since I don't think I'll be home before my guests are already on their way.

After zumba, I had my very first taste of the protein powder I bought last night. I like it. At first I was worried that vanilla powder mixed with water would be too boring.. But it's actually pretty good. Almost like milkshake.

I should probably take the protein shake every day since I don't eat much meat due to my diet.. But it's too expensive, so I'll try to eat chicken and tuna instead.. and only have the protein shakes after my zumba classes. I have faith that it will help me lose weight faster. But I don't know. Looking at my weightloss calendar from 2008, I am far behind.. But I think it's due to the season. Back then, I started my diet in January and had a lot of spicy tomato soup.. Now it's summer and I don't feel like having soup. So I try to focus on salads instead.

I know this blog needs a lot of attention if I want to get any followers.. I will work on that in the near future. Main point is.. I already started my blog! Once I figure out how to edit the background and add pictures, I'm sure it will be much more interesting for other people to read. I know, cause I myself read a lot of blogs!

It would be nice to get a comment from anyone reading, just so that I know if anyone did. :)
