Sunday, August 29, 2010

living life dangerously!

Thursday I had to cancel the Zumba class I had previously schduled, as I was going with my family to support my brother in his attempt of going to the semi finals in Danish Stand Up championship. He won second place, which unfortunately was not enough for the semi finals..
The Stand Up show was in another city far away, so we had to drive straight from work. We got there just in time, but did not have time to get dinner before the show. So of course I knew we would be ending up on Mc Donalds.. I try to stay away from Mc Donalds, but as it was 11 PM, it was our only solution. To avoid getting a lot of calories I didn't need, I chose a Happy Meal in order to stay on the minimum sized meal.
As we were only 1 hour from the German border, we decided to stay over night at a hostel and go to the border for some border shopping the next day.

I tried not to buy too much candy. I did buy some and made sure to hide it all so it won't tempt me all the time. I also bought 8 cute tops at a mini mall down there. 2 of them had some monkey princesses and "I love music" written on them. I love music and monkeys so they were made for me! 1 top read "I <3 Djs".. and another one "Dance all night." I know some people might think I'm too old to wear printed tops, but I don't. I don't feel my age, so by wearing funny tops, I feel younger and feel like I'm spreading joy. I also bought some peach softener for my sweaty gym clothes. All in all, I spent a lot of money, but I allowed myself cause I have the money and wanted the things I bought. Why shouldn't I buy what I want when I can afford it?
We arived home late Friday night.

Saturday morning I met with a friend in town at a fashion-second hand event in town where we were attepmting to sell clothes we didn't need. All I sold was a red hat that I had for a couple of years, but never wore as it was too big. I don't think I'll be going to such events again. I think it's a waste of money that you actualy have to pay money to sell things.. That means you have to sell a lot before you earn in the money. So that's not for me.

As I returned home in the afternoon, it felt like the week-end was almost over, simply because I had no work on Friday.

This morning I woke up determined to go to Zumba. but as I looked at the schedule, I realised that there was no Zumba classes today. So instead I came up with another plan to keep myself busy. Cause by keeping busy, I would also avoid the constant craving for candy. So in my head, I made a list of things to do and actualy managed to do all of them.
I put over my laundry, I cleaned my shower and drain that was clogged up by old soap, also cleaned my toilet bowl that had brown calcium. Then I hung my laundry to dry on the balcony. I also had to come up with some other exercise to make it out for not going to zumba. So I rode my bike to Ikea, bought 2 more of the small drying racks I already have. I love that they are small and can easily fit in any corner.. And since they were on sale, I thought 2 more would be nice for when I'm hanging my laundry cause usualy I have to hang those over some chairs in door. I wanted to go to the supermarket afterwards, but because I was riding my bike with the two drying racks ounder my arm, I decided to go home with those first and then jump back on the bike to go to the supermarket. So I think I did ok for a Sunday.

I also decided to finaly sign up for the Zumba marathon October 9th. It's quite expensive, but money will be given to the Breat Cancer society and since my mom has been cancer free for 10 years now, I want to celebrate by donating money and having fun at the same time! I don't know what to expect since I'll probably be going alone. But no matter what, it's gonna be a lot of fun!

I've been looking at the various Zumba classes in the next couple of weeks. I decided I need more than what I had already put on my schedule, thinking of the candy I have been eating this week-end and probably will be eating till it's gone. And also I want to keep my weightloss going and therefore can't allow myself to be lazy. Of course, if I feel one day that I have to skip a class, it'll be ok, but I need Zumba in my life from now on! So I filled up my callendar again and it feels great. I've got to keep busy instead of becoming sloppy.
I'm watching "Bridget Jones' Diary" on tv right now. Oh yes, I think most girls have had a time when they felt like Bridget Jones. I might be single and missing a man in my life, but for a change I feel good about myself. And you know what they say. Other people won't like you if you don't like yourself. So who knows, maybe someone will show up for me some day. I hope so. In the meantime, I have Zumba to entertain me and make me feel good about myself!

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