Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Zumba and Reggae!

wanted to make an up-date sooner, but never got around to it. I guess it's a good thing, cause it means I've been busy and had things to do for a change.
Monday they shop called me to let me know, that my new Skecher Shape Ups shoes had arived. I went to pick them up after work. I told them at the shop, that I had been wearing my old shoes almost every day cause the shape ups had shown to be very good for my weak ancles. I used to have problems with my ancles because I didn't walk probably. I would twist my ancles and sometimes even my big toe, causing me to lose balance and fall because I didn't put my feet down the right way when walking. But with the shape ups, I'm forced to put the feet down the propper way and the soft sole makes them so comftable to wear. You can definitely see how I wear down all of my shoes, when you see the picture of my old vs. new shoes.



Tuesday I was able to buy some new shoes for Zumba. I bought a cheap pair of black sneakers. Tested them out in the shop to make sure they were soft enough to use for dancing. In zumba you move around fast and jump, you need something soft to land on.. And with my weak ancles, I know what the difference between a good and a bad sole is for my feet. I added pink shoelaces to spice them up a little and I'm happy with the result.

Tuesday night was zumba night.. It was the first time with our Columbian instructor after her 3 weeks vacation.. She started out tough and we tried hard to keep up, but it was fun as always. Thursday was also zumba night and it was a bit easier to follow the instructor this time. However, it was very hard to move around since there were so many people this time.. She then said, that they were working on making it work so that we will be using a bigger room in the future.. Cause Zumba has become so popular! No wonder.. Zumba is the most effective and fun work-out I ever tried and I always look forward to my next class.

I noticed a poster at the gym Tuesday saying that the Brazilian male instructor was signed up for new classes in August, so I made sure to sign up for all of his classes... And I mean all!! He has 2 classes in a row each time, so I'll be dancing zumba for 2 hours.. Fine by me cause I love to dance!!!

This upcoming week, I'll be going to zumba Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The following week will look the same, but I will also be there on Wednesday. I love it. I really would go to the gym every single day if I could join a zumba class.

Friday I went to watch the movie "Inception" with 2 of my friends.. I love action movies, but I must admit that in the end, it was starting to get too complicated for my brain to follow.. But all in all it was a great movie! We had lunch at "Sunset Boulevard" and I had the smallest menu. I also bought some candy to bring to the movie. I might be on a diet, but if I'm going somewhere, I allow myself to eat the same as everyone else. If your diet is too strict, I think the risk of failing and giving up, is bigger. I guess I should mention, that before heading to the movies, I tried on my favorite pants that I had bought in a smaller size after my weightloss in 2008. They didn't fit me in a while cause, well, I put on weight and my thigs grew back to my old pants again... But this Friday I was able to put on my smaller sized pants again and it was a wonderful feeling!

Thursday on my way to the gym, I saw a poster showing the program for a club in town.. And Saturday 2 reggae singers would be there. Jah Turban and Splif Click would actualy come from Copenhagen to Aalborg. I was attending my uncle and cousin't birthday party Saturday... and the Reggae show was also Saturday. But I made it work. I had bbq with the family and when they were about to have desert, I met with my friend who lived in the neighborhood and then we went to the reggae party.

It was so much fun. Finaly there was a club playing great music all night long! Usualy we can't find a club here in Aalborg that doesn't play techno or dance music.. So we made sure to enjoy the night to the max! We were there from 11 PM till 4 AM! Just like back in the days, and it was awesome. Of course we were almost twice the age of the other people in the club, but that was ok. I'm pretty sure we were the only two who actualy knew what reggae music was. Can you believe that I was actualy at a reggae festival back in 1989... I was just 13 years old. Really funny to look back on now. I don't remember the music at all, but I remember how I dressed up two of my friends so they could join me,, We wore harem like pants, long necklaces and my college jackets.. Not exactly what I would wear if I were going today. I rememer that there was a bonfire and people were having a good time.. Were people smoking ganja?? I'm pretty sure, but we were there for the music and the experience I suppose.

Here's a link to a video showing clips of Jah Turban's new songs.

He's the most talented reggae singer in Denmark if you ask me. but so is Splif Click, here's his new song "like a soldier"

I always loved music. I have a cousin who's a couple of years older than me, and she introduced me to Bob Marley. I borrowed all of her cassette tapes and made my own copies. I remeber that I also started collecting insence right about that time. I never smoked weed, marijuana, ganja or whatever you want to call it. For me it has always been about the music! I also got a really cool 3d Bob Marley poster that's still hanging on the door or my old room eventhough I moved out 14 years ago ;)

Today I've been very lazy. I guess my body decided that I needed to rest after being out all night.. So I didn't get out of bed till noon. Since then, I spent all day on the sofa. Tomorrow another busy week of work and zumba begins.


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