Monday, August 23, 2010

My hips don't lie!

Weather today has been realy crappy... Raining since I got off from work in the afternoon and getting worse every five minutes. It wasn't the most motivating weather for dancing zumba.. But as soon as I was in the changing room and put on my shoes, I was in the mood. Only problem was, whenever I looked out the window or the open door, the rain was pouring down.

Today was the male zumba instructor and I signed up for both of his classes. He's Brasilian and the minute he steped in the room and showed his smile, we were all so ready to start the party. Zumba is always a party. He was a couple of minutes late today because he was private tutoring a kid getting ready to be tested for a ballet school in Sweden. That's how talented he is. He's a pro at anything that involves Dancing and I feel honoured to be one of his "students."

He wanted to introduce us to songs that he didn't realy like, but that we should be able to zumba to anyway. One of them was Shakira's "waka waka." I think all instructors are using this song, but the moves are very different. We also heard a hip hop song, which is actualy one of my favorites, so of course I gave myself 110 % when dancing.. I think it's easy to see when I hear some music that I like, cause I realy dance my butt off then, but with a smile instead of a concentrated face.

We also had to practice our salsa steps, 2 and 2.. When he came to me he said I was moving my hips perfectly. No wonder. My hips are so big, that I can't make a move without my hips moving.. But it's ok.. That's part of being woman and now that I have a slim waist again, it's ok that my hips move. Especialy when the cute instructor say I'm doing it right!

In the break I wanted to catch a breath of fresh air by the open door and the instructor came over to see if it was still raining cats and dogs... And it was.

As of today, he started calling our names before class, which is a formality they have to do because they give you a small ticket if you signed up for a class and not show up. I noticed that he remembered my name from the first class when he said it in the second time. I'm already predicting that I'll be one of those he won't even have to call cause he knows I'll be there. He knows I love zumba. I told him once, that I could zumba every day if it was possible.

Starting next week, there's only gonna be zumba classes on Tuesdays and Fridays at this gym, but tonight the instructor let us in on a few future plans. He might be having classes in the week-end too.. And not only zumba. Because he's a man with so many resources, he will also be guiding us into what kind of food to eat and what kind of exercises we should do besides zumba. I realy belive Zumba is gonna change my life forever. I feel it!

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