Wednesday, August 18, 2010

4 hours of zumba this week!

Monday I went to 2 hours of pure zumba. Normaly there's only 1 zumba lesson a day, but the male instructor at my gym is a pro so he has 2 classes.. And of course I signed up to both of them cause I love to dance!! I'm far from a pro and he did have to come down holding my hands as he showed me the steps 1 - 2 - 3... Reminded me so much of river dance.. Oh well, he finaly let go of my hands and I was free again.. I don't really like it that he comes so close.. Why? Cause he's really cute and it's so embaressing that he finds you doing a mistake. I wonder if he shook hands with Madonna like that when he was helping her with her dance steps? In the 5 minute break between the two classes, he saw me waiting and asked if I was joining the second class, to which I replied "yes!" - He was really happy to hear that. He's such a happy spirit and for a few seconds I thought I had made him even happier ;) 2 other people from the first class had decided to join the second class, so he told the others to look at what we did.. As if I already knew the steps to the dance he just taught us.. I can move my hips alright, but the dance required an almost worm shape with the spine and I don't know how to move my spine like that yet.. But I think there's hope for improvement. I can definitely see that he's also been helping out Usher..
The next day we had the female instructor.. I heard some women say that she's the best instructor out of those two.. But I don't think there's a difference.. They tend to do things different, but I like both ways. The guy is spending some quality time explaining about the muscles, anatomy etc.. and the woman skips everything and at times it gets too fast I think.. And both ways have showed out to be very effectful. My stomach has never been as flat and toned as it is today, If it wasn't for the lump of lose skin on my stomach, my stomach would show a 4 pack.. working on the 6 pac, haha.. Now that my stomach has become nicely toned, I hope I will start to lose some of the fat on my thigs.
Today I have a zumba class at my regular gym.. I decided to go there so I could use the weights for 45 minutes before zumba. I will make sure to stop by that gym every now and then to work on the weights.. I see how sloppy my arms are starting to look cause I lost a lot of the fat, so although we tone the arms at zumba, the weights will be a better way to shape up I think.
I went on the scale this morning and had lost 14 kg. (30,86 lbs).. I told myself that when I hit 15 kg. (33,07 lbs), I would buy myself a gift.. The gift might very well be the real dancer's shoe for zumba.. I like the new ones I bought, but I think the other ones might be more ideal.. So I will go buy them soon.. I know I probably won't hit that weight tomorrow.. But I still plan on having a look at the shoes tomorrow after work.
When I hit the 20 kg. (44,09 lbs), I might go have my hair done at the salon.. I rarely go to the hair salon since my hair is long.. But I think it would be nice to have it shaped a bit before Fall.
Next week I signed up for zumba classes:
Monday: 2 hours

Tuesday: 1 hour

Wednesday: 2 hours

Thursday: 1 hour

I love dancing and zumba is showing me so many good results, both on the scale and on my body shape.. I get more and more compliments on my weightloss.. And people say I look so happy.. And I tell them it's because of Zumba. Read in a magaszine that someone said "Zumba is Happiness" and it's true.. because of the many endorphins you release while dancing, you feel a constant rush that makes you happy. Gotta love that!


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