Thursday, August 19, 2010

Zumba free week-end!

I've had quite a busy zumba schedule this week. But today I managed to squeeze in a dentist apointment between work and zumba. On my way to the dentist, I had time to stop by a small thrift shop. I love thrift shops and decorate my apartment with vintage and retro furniture that I find. The only think I liked at this thrift shop, was a small spice rack in red. It's pure retro and will look perfect in my kitchen.

I came out from the dentist with zero cavities. I felt so relieved and very happy. So happy that I feel like spoiling myself again. I've been thinking about getting an Ipod for a while now. But I didn't need it since I already have a 4GB mp3 player with a radio. But the problem is. I have too much music on there and I can't find a specific song when I want to hear it. So I was thinking that maybe an Ipod would make it possible for me to store the music in different groups. I have no idea, but it's something I want to look into. That would make it much easier for me to find the music I want to hear on the way to Zumba. I think the various zumba instructors have inspired me. They all bring their music on their Ipod or Iphones.. so simple.

I read somewhere, that the pain you often get from exercising realy hits you 2 days after your work out. So I did some calculating and found out that Sunday will be my only day without muscle pain.

Zumba Monday (2 classes) - brought pain Wednesday
Zumba Tuesday - brought pain Thursday (today)
Zumba Wednesday (2 classes) - brings pain Friday
Zumba Thursday (today) - brings pain Saturday
No Zumba Friday - brings no pain Sunday

My zumba schedule is the same next week, except for Thursday when I have to skip a class and go see my brother compete for Danish Stand Up Championship. The next day I'm going on a shopping spree to Germany. Usualy going to Germany means buying cheap candy.. But this time I'm telling myself "it's not worth it." Last time we went there, I gained so much weight in the following months, so this time I'm determined not to buy un-healthy things. Instead I will focus on nice things like clothes, beauty suply and possibly chewing gum.

I already have my sweaty zumba clothes spinning in the machine. Just in case I decide to go to a gym in the weekend. There is a new gym in town that I want to go check out, since I might join their zumba classes in a couple of weeks.  It's pitch dark outside, but I hope I can see enough out there to hang up the clothes to dry.

But for now, it's a Zumba free weekend!

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