Thursday, September 9, 2010

Busy week, but I feel great!

Of course I fell asleep early last night before I could even think of writing the blog entry I was planning on writing..

I've just been so busy for the past couple of weeks, that my body was starting to show signs of lack of sleep.

This morning I woke up to the news that it has now been schientifically proven, that women are more impressed by male dancers who use the entire body when they dance rather than guys who just do the left and right step.. No wonder!

Go ahead and check the wrong moves  and the right moves here - Guys, I have one word for you.... ZUMBA!

Zumba was cancelled Thursday last week since the instructor was in Colombia. That gave me a free day to prepare a few things for the upcoming days.

Friday after work, I went to a salon to have my hair cut. After that I went home for about an hour before meeting my brother in town again. There was an outdoor Zumba performance that I was planning on going to, but because the weather looked like rain, I decided it was best to skip that.

When I came home that evening, I baked a cake for my friend's baby's Christianing party Sunday.

Saturday morning I wrapped the gift I bought for my friends' baby before going to my grandmother's house. The entire family was helping my grandma tame her garden all Saturday. It was hard work. It was so hot and dirty. I was getting rid of weeds taller than myself.. It was hard work for 12 hours. I took my bike out there and had to ride it back home.. It was dark and very cold. Fall is definitely here.

When I got home I had to bake another cake for the Christianing party. Then I decorated the two caked.. And finaly, before going to bed past midnight, I had to print the name cards for the table Sunday.

Sunday morning I got ready for the Christianing. My dad drove me. At first I had to pick up my friend's cousin and his friend who was going to help me set the table at the party room where the party would be. The two guys were Polish and hard to communicate with, but I tried my best.
Everything was perfect! We had a lovely party afterwards. I got home around 7 PM. Then my dad picked me up since I had to help instal some programs on their computer. I finaly got home at 11:30 PM very tired.

Monday I had one zumba class.. I was so tired after a long weekend, that I forgot all about signing up for zumba classes in week 38. I hate myself for forgetting!! This will be the first time I miss the male instructor's classes. I signed up a the waiting list in case somebody decides not to be in the classes.. Unfortunately his classes are so popular that Ibthink chances are little.. However, the classes are early in the afternoon and usualy his classes are in the evening. I'll try to be patient, but eventualy I think I will ask them at the gym. To make sure I'll have Zumba classes that week, I already scheduled classes at other gyms.

Tuesday I had a class of zumba followed my a class of dance fit (club dancing). It was late and I almost fell asleep on the bus on my way home.

So yes, it's been a very long and busy week. Tomorrow I have two Zumba classes straight from work. I was hoping for a male instructor to replace the normal instructor, but looking at the schedule, I see he's been replaced with a female instructor I never heard about before.

Today my "Crazy Happy" Zumba top was in the mail box.. I'm so happy to finaly have it! It fits me perfect and I can't wait to wear it some day. I tried it on with my runner's tights. I still haven't had the gutt to wear the tights before, but tomorrow I will! I finaly feel comfortable wearing those.

Saturday I have nothing planned, so I'll probably be either cleaning, shopping or both! And probably watch some more dance movies. Tonight I saw "Dirty Dancing 2" and "Step Up".

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