Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall is here!

This time I remembered to sign up for regular Zumba on time to be in the class.. Which means, I booked classed for 2 weeks ahead. I'm still on the waitinig list for next week. I really hope that I can somehow be let in on the two classes on Friday 24th.. That's the male instructor and he's the best of them all, so I'll be realy sad to skip those classes.

Yesterday and today I was at the gym where I do my usual weight routines.. Leg curl, leg extension, upper body and a couple more that I don't remember the names on. Sunday and Monday I only had time to do 100 x leg curl and 100 x leg extension.. So today I wanted to go there early and I managed to do them all except one for the arms, which I forgot the name off. After those routines, I had a zumba class followed by a "club dancing" class.. I left at 9:45 PM and got home at 10:30 PM.. Then I went straight to the kitchen. I had to prepare tomorrows lunch which will be white cabbage salad with carrots,

My weightloss has been on pause for some time now.. I know why. I couldn't stay away from the candy I bought at the border shops.. but it's ok. As long as I stay active, I feel that I'm still living healthy. I plan on starting a new round of living super healthy and I've been buying a lot of heathy foods... Red beets that I will turn into juice along with the apples I also bought.. I could also make oven baked roots now that I also bought carrots and selleri. I love oven baked roots.. Now that Fall is here, all the roots are back in the supermarkets and now I have a good selection in my kitchen.

I also have to start making my spicy tomato soup again. That's actualy what kick started my weightloss in 2008.. I used to make a big pot full and have it for a couple of days... So it's perfect for my busy schedule. I can just make a big batch and warm it up the next day. I'll try to make that soup this weekend.

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