Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zumba weightloss weekend

Friday I had Zumba straight from work.

One of my colleagues also started doing Zumba, and she was complaining about how her shoes were too hard to move on the floor, so I showed her my Zumba/ Dancing shoes. She said she would bye some when she was 100% sure that she was going to keep doing zumba.

When I started my Zumba adventure, I used my normal gym shoes that I had always used. I have weak ancles, so I found some gym shoes that worked out well for my ancles.. However, I noticed that they were not good enough for zumba. Then I saw a shop selling shoes they claimed were great for zumba. I tried them on a few times, but the problem of staying on the ground was still there. So I decided I was passionate enough about Zumba to buy real dancing shoes!

Friday was the first actual Zumba day with the male instructor this Fall season.
There were a lot of new people there, so he took his time explaining everything. I heard him say everything before, but I didn't mind, because I know he likes to talk to make sure that people know exactly what zumba is, how the body works etc. Of course he talked about my shoes and several people came to ask me where I got them, how they were, would they be suitable for their weak knees etc. etc. I like helping people. Why? Because I'm very passionate about Zumba and want to spread the joy.

The instructor had us dancing like cowboys to "Tribute to U.S.A." from one of the Zumba cds.. It felt silly to play air guitar and showing off invisible guns.. but I had the feeling that maybe he was trying off his routines for the Zumba Marathon on October 9th. We'll see.

Friday night I layed on my couch as always. I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 6 AM.. The downstairs neighbors were playing loud music all night long. Usualy I would be anoyed  about the loud music, but Friday night I didn't mind. I think the bas sound in the music, might have had a comforting effect on me that night. When I woke up at 6 AM, I decided to go to bed and sleep for another 3 hours before getting up.

Saturday I made a short stop at the Zumba shoe store in town. I wanted to pick up some flyers to bring to the gym since I have a feeling that more people from the new zumba classes, would want to stop by. I also got a bunch of flyers for the Zumba Marathon as well. I hope I can take them to the gym on Tuesday, although I still didn't get a spot on Tuesday or Friday this upcoming week, since I didn't sign up on time. Usualy a lot of people don't show up, so I'm hoping there will be a spot open for me.

Saturday I also went to the farmers market in town. I bought several vegtables.. More roots for my oven baked roots, broccoli, zuccini for my tomato soup which I plan on making tonight (Sunday)..
Since I was in town, I decided to shop a bit. I went to Outfitters Nation and managed to find a shirt that I thought could work with my Zumba tank top. I needed sleeves for that top, since I hate my arms. The shirt from outfitters nation is perfect! And best of all. It was a size XS.. I used to be a size XL, so to now be an XS feels amazing! Now this top was bought to be tight, so that's why XS is perfect. I noticed that the Zumba clothes for Fall actualy has sleeves, so I wonder if they finaly realised that some of us are not that happy about showing off our arms?

I also made a stop by the new MAC store in town. I always wear make-up and I've been missing a MAC store for ages. Now it's finaly here, so I stopped by to buy a new eyeshadow.

I woke up this morning and was pleasantly suprized when I saw that I finaly lost another kg. Total weightloss so far 17kg. (37,48 lbs.). That's a clean 10 kg. (22.05 lbs.) thanx to Zumba and 7 kg. (15,43 lbs.) from
before I started zumba.

Today I have a Zumba class in the afternoon. I know it's not right to call it Zumba, cause it's not. But then again, it is. It's a gym chain offering latin fitness, which basicaly is Zumba.. So I just call it all Zumba. I know that the best Zumba class is by the male instructor, who is a qualified Zumba instructor.. but the latin fitness instructors have also been educated, so it's fine with me. As long as they can make me sweat and have fun at the same time, I'm happy!

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