Sunday, September 26, 2010

Almost didn't make it to Zumba today.

I almost didn't make it to Zumba today.

I got up early to make sure I had time to catch my bus in time... But then I remembered that my parents were driving in the direction of the gym, so I asked if I could get a ride. They picked me up and we were on our way. But as we were halft way there, the car broke down big time.. It could've caused an accident, but luckily, my dad was able to take the car to the curve and nothing happened. My dad's friend came from far away to pick up my parents, so I decided I had no time to waste and started walking.

But there I was. Stuck in the middle of nowhere since we had taken a short cut. I had no idea which direction I should walk, or where to catch a bus. Looking at the time, it became clear to me that I was not going to be able to make it to zumba on time. I found a bus stop and waited 5 minutes for a bus. I decided to call up the gym to let them know about my situation and to let the instructor know that I was on my way, so he should not lock the door. I got on the bus not knowing where the nearest bus stop was. I asked the drivers and he set me off infront of the museum 10 minutes before the zumba class started.. I knew I had a pretty long walk ahead of me, so whenever I thought I had enough breath for it, I would run.. But stressed as I was, I decided to speed walk instead. On my way, I prepared myself the best way I could, when rushing to the changing room. Luckily I had already put on my gym clothes at home. I got to the gym 5 minutes late. Then took off my clothes, grabbed my dancing shoes, water bottle and towel and rushed to the fitness room. On my way I filled my bottle with water, then took a deep breath and opened the door quietly. The room was packed. The door is in the corner, so I just snuck in, found a spot in the corner, put on my shoes and started following the instructor. They were still just warming up... Phew... I made it. But I was so sweaty when I arived and had a hard time calming down.

When class was over, I took off my sweaty clothes and realised that I had been sweating more than usual thanx to my stress and rush.. But never did I feel like I was gonna fail. Cause I'm a winner now!

I keep thinking what the instructor was thinking when he called my name and I wasn't there? I have been to every single one of his classes, so this was really an unusual day. But I made it and I'm darn proud of it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wacky thriller dance... My Saturdays are no longer Zumba free!

I was lucky to receive 2 text messages telling me that there was a spot open for me at the 2 Zumba classes Friday afternoon, so I went yesterday, very happy!

It was some very hectic zumba classes... By hectic I mean... I sweat my butt off, but was able to hang in there.. Maybe I was giving myself a little too much, but it's hard not to with the instructor we have.. He gets so happy when  he sees us sweating like crazy.. I like it, too.. However, there are some steps used in a certain song, that I have a hard time with.. Why? Because I'm not good at jumping due to my weight and weak ancles.. So what happens when I actualy think I do a darn good job? My ancle starts bugging. Luckily I didn't feel it during zumba... but later in the evening I felt it. I hope we don't have to do those steps again today cause it's really hard on my ancles.

The zumba instructor actualy sent home a woman yesterday because she didn't bring shoes... He said he's classes are so intense, that people need to wear shoes, and dancing shoes of course are the best. I see more and more people wearing the proper shoes now and still loads of women come to  me asking for directions to the shoe shop. There's only one shoe shop in the country to sell the special dance shoes for zumba and luckily she in our town. Knowing how hard yesterday's classes were on my ancle, I know now why he sent home the woman without shoes. He also says he didn't want his reputation to get bad because of someone who eventualy could be saying he let her dance without shoes.. I think he was fair.

I woke up early this morning because I have a Zumba class at 11 AM. with my favorite instructor... The Brasilian guy from yesterday's classes. I'm so happy that he now offers Zumba on Saturday, too.. He said it was a way of helping the people who used to go to his Tuesday and Wedensday classes, that has now been taken off the program. I'm just so happy that I'm able to join both classes on Friday and Saturday, cause he's really talented... Even when he tried to make us dance like the monsters in thriller...

Made me think of this crazy video of the inmates dancing at a Phillipino prison..

Of course he only taught us a few slow motion steps.. He likes to have fun with us. I can tell that everything he does, he does it with a passion and I envy him for having the talent and job he does!

I love to dance, but freestyle is what I do best...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full Moon Zumba!

Fall is definitely here..

During tonight's zumba class, I looked out the window.. It was already pitch dark, but there was the bright full moon shining. Yes, summer is over.. It gets darker and colder every day. Soon I will have to start wearing a winter jacket when I leave for Zumba in the evening. It's the same in the morning. It's very cold and sometimes raining as well.

By looking at the moon tonight, it was like a reminder... Wínter is coming sooner than we know.. So I definitely need to decide on which jacket I want to wear,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blogging on the road!

I'm on my way to zumba, but I wanted to share some great news with you!

Today I got a text message saying I got a spot on tomorrow's zumba class. When I went to double check, I saw that they announced new zumba classes with my favorite instructor every Saturday. I'm so exited! I signed up for the maximum 3 classes!

They also offer aqua zumba from now on.. But I've never been hooked on the idea of showing myself in a bathing suit, so that ain't for me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zumba weightloss weekend

Friday I had Zumba straight from work.

One of my colleagues also started doing Zumba, and she was complaining about how her shoes were too hard to move on the floor, so I showed her my Zumba/ Dancing shoes. She said she would bye some when she was 100% sure that she was going to keep doing zumba.

When I started my Zumba adventure, I used my normal gym shoes that I had always used. I have weak ancles, so I found some gym shoes that worked out well for my ancles.. However, I noticed that they were not good enough for zumba. Then I saw a shop selling shoes they claimed were great for zumba. I tried them on a few times, but the problem of staying on the ground was still there. So I decided I was passionate enough about Zumba to buy real dancing shoes!

Friday was the first actual Zumba day with the male instructor this Fall season.
There were a lot of new people there, so he took his time explaining everything. I heard him say everything before, but I didn't mind, because I know he likes to talk to make sure that people know exactly what zumba is, how the body works etc. Of course he talked about my shoes and several people came to ask me where I got them, how they were, would they be suitable for their weak knees etc. etc. I like helping people. Why? Because I'm very passionate about Zumba and want to spread the joy.

The instructor had us dancing like cowboys to "Tribute to U.S.A." from one of the Zumba cds.. It felt silly to play air guitar and showing off invisible guns.. but I had the feeling that maybe he was trying off his routines for the Zumba Marathon on October 9th. We'll see.

Friday night I layed on my couch as always. I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 6 AM.. The downstairs neighbors were playing loud music all night long. Usualy I would be anoyed  about the loud music, but Friday night I didn't mind. I think the bas sound in the music, might have had a comforting effect on me that night. When I woke up at 6 AM, I decided to go to bed and sleep for another 3 hours before getting up.

Saturday I made a short stop at the Zumba shoe store in town. I wanted to pick up some flyers to bring to the gym since I have a feeling that more people from the new zumba classes, would want to stop by. I also got a bunch of flyers for the Zumba Marathon as well. I hope I can take them to the gym on Tuesday, although I still didn't get a spot on Tuesday or Friday this upcoming week, since I didn't sign up on time. Usualy a lot of people don't show up, so I'm hoping there will be a spot open for me.

Saturday I also went to the farmers market in town. I bought several vegtables.. More roots for my oven baked roots, broccoli, zuccini for my tomato soup which I plan on making tonight (Sunday)..
Since I was in town, I decided to shop a bit. I went to Outfitters Nation and managed to find a shirt that I thought could work with my Zumba tank top. I needed sleeves for that top, since I hate my arms. The shirt from outfitters nation is perfect! And best of all. It was a size XS.. I used to be a size XL, so to now be an XS feels amazing! Now this top was bought to be tight, so that's why XS is perfect. I noticed that the Zumba clothes for Fall actualy has sleeves, so I wonder if they finaly realised that some of us are not that happy about showing off our arms?

I also made a stop by the new MAC store in town. I always wear make-up and I've been missing a MAC store for ages. Now it's finaly here, so I stopped by to buy a new eyeshadow.

I woke up this morning and was pleasantly suprized when I saw that I finaly lost another kg. Total weightloss so far 17kg. (37,48 lbs.). That's a clean 10 kg. (22.05 lbs.) thanx to Zumba and 7 kg. (15,43 lbs.) from
before I started zumba.

Today I have a Zumba class in the afternoon. I know it's not right to call it Zumba, cause it's not. But then again, it is. It's a gym chain offering latin fitness, which basicaly is Zumba.. So I just call it all Zumba. I know that the best Zumba class is by the male instructor, who is a qualified Zumba instructor.. but the latin fitness instructors have also been educated, so it's fine with me. As long as they can make me sweat and have fun at the same time, I'm happy!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Enjoying my Zumba free day

I've been enjoying my Zumba free day..

Went to the mall.. And I managed to taking a nap on the couch.

With my busy schedule, I try to always lay down on my couch whenever I'm home.. I know my body needs rest and sleep now, so I use the couch cause I know I'll be sleeping in no time when I'm there. I do try to do some house chords before, though. Cause when I fall asleep around 8 PM, there's a great risk I'll be sleeping till after midnight.

Tomorrow I have regular Zumba with the male instructor, who was ever so missed last Friday. I have two classes. I still feel bad about not having Zumba Friday next week because I forgot to sign up. I do hope that I'll be let in anyway, though. Usualy somebody is not showing up. I'll just take the chance ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall is here!

This time I remembered to sign up for regular Zumba on time to be in the class.. Which means, I booked classed for 2 weeks ahead. I'm still on the waitinig list for next week. I really hope that I can somehow be let in on the two classes on Friday 24th.. That's the male instructor and he's the best of them all, so I'll be realy sad to skip those classes.

Yesterday and today I was at the gym where I do my usual weight routines.. Leg curl, leg extension, upper body and a couple more that I don't remember the names on. Sunday and Monday I only had time to do 100 x leg curl and 100 x leg extension.. So today I wanted to go there early and I managed to do them all except one for the arms, which I forgot the name off. After those routines, I had a zumba class followed by a "club dancing" class.. I left at 9:45 PM and got home at 10:30 PM.. Then I went straight to the kitchen. I had to prepare tomorrows lunch which will be white cabbage salad with carrots,

My weightloss has been on pause for some time now.. I know why. I couldn't stay away from the candy I bought at the border shops.. but it's ok. As long as I stay active, I feel that I'm still living healthy. I plan on starting a new round of living super healthy and I've been buying a lot of heathy foods... Red beets that I will turn into juice along with the apples I also bought.. I could also make oven baked roots now that I also bought carrots and selleri. I love oven baked roots.. Now that Fall is here, all the roots are back in the supermarkets and now I have a good selection in my kitchen.

I also have to start making my spicy tomato soup again. That's actualy what kick started my weightloss in 2008.. I used to make a big pot full and have it for a couple of days... So it's perfect for my busy schedule. I can just make a big batch and warm it up the next day. I'll try to make that soup this weekend.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Zumba, Friday, instructor, substitute.

Zumba yesterday was horrible.. I probably am not entitled to say so, as the instructor probably knew what she was doing.. But really, she was a bad substitute for our super professional instructor. I had signed up for 2 classes and stayed for both classes. In the break I was talking with someone from the regular classes. She wanted to know how the substitute instructor was... And I just said "no comments!" - She knew exactly what I meant. I saw two women from the regular classes, that had been there in the first class like me, sneak out after 5 minutes in the first class. Seriously, she was a really bad instructor compared to what we're used to. We were suppose to get a Cuban substitute, but I guess he was busy that day. Luckily our regular instructor should be back next Friday.

It's a bit sad that the schedule has switched cause now the class is a new one compared to before when we were already starting to be a group and know eachother. I only saw 4 of the regular people there this Friday. Very sad and definitely not the same energy either. I can't wait to see what it will be like next time when the instructor is back from his Dance conference in the Netherlands.

I'm just happy that I was able to join the Friday afternoon classes, cause otherwise I would have to work out a new schedule. But Friday afternoon suits me great! I can take a bus straight from work and be there just in time.

After the last class, the girl I talked with before agreed with me. She was so bored from that zumba class and deeply regret paying money for that. She's a salsa dancer and suggested I start dancing salsa, too.. Who knows, maybe in a year you can find me doing the salsa at a dance school? Ha, I always swore I would never take dance lessons, cause I think people who had dance lessons looks so... stiff. Like they're forgetting to let lose and have fun. I prefer to be a freestyle dancer.. But if this whole Zumbalicious lifestyle takes me into salsa, I'm so up for it. But not right now. Now I just want to focus on losing weight and staying fit! And do it while having so much fun!

I have a class of zumba tomorrow afternoon. So 5 days a week, I have zumba on the schedule.. I already bought tops and t-shirts to wear so I won't have to wash all the time. But I still need pants. Yesterday I wore the runners tights and they wore ok. Today I saw H&M has a new sports line and I found some cheap capri like pants and bought them in black and pink. I will wear the black ones tomorrow, then wash everything when I get home and see whatever is left for me to wear Monday. I'm starting to see the difficulties familys with 2 kids have when it comes to washing clothes. I need so much clothes now.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Busy week, but I feel great!

Of course I fell asleep early last night before I could even think of writing the blog entry I was planning on writing..

I've just been so busy for the past couple of weeks, that my body was starting to show signs of lack of sleep.

This morning I woke up to the news that it has now been schientifically proven, that women are more impressed by male dancers who use the entire body when they dance rather than guys who just do the left and right step.. No wonder!

Go ahead and check the wrong moves  and the right moves here - Guys, I have one word for you.... ZUMBA!

Zumba was cancelled Thursday last week since the instructor was in Colombia. That gave me a free day to prepare a few things for the upcoming days.

Friday after work, I went to a salon to have my hair cut. After that I went home for about an hour before meeting my brother in town again. There was an outdoor Zumba performance that I was planning on going to, but because the weather looked like rain, I decided it was best to skip that.

When I came home that evening, I baked a cake for my friend's baby's Christianing party Sunday.

Saturday morning I wrapped the gift I bought for my friends' baby before going to my grandmother's house. The entire family was helping my grandma tame her garden all Saturday. It was hard work. It was so hot and dirty. I was getting rid of weeds taller than myself.. It was hard work for 12 hours. I took my bike out there and had to ride it back home.. It was dark and very cold. Fall is definitely here.

When I got home I had to bake another cake for the Christianing party. Then I decorated the two caked.. And finaly, before going to bed past midnight, I had to print the name cards for the table Sunday.

Sunday morning I got ready for the Christianing. My dad drove me. At first I had to pick up my friend's cousin and his friend who was going to help me set the table at the party room where the party would be. The two guys were Polish and hard to communicate with, but I tried my best.
Everything was perfect! We had a lovely party afterwards. I got home around 7 PM. Then my dad picked me up since I had to help instal some programs on their computer. I finaly got home at 11:30 PM very tired.

Monday I had one zumba class.. I was so tired after a long weekend, that I forgot all about signing up for zumba classes in week 38. I hate myself for forgetting!! This will be the first time I miss the male instructor's classes. I signed up a the waiting list in case somebody decides not to be in the classes.. Unfortunately his classes are so popular that Ibthink chances are little.. However, the classes are early in the afternoon and usualy his classes are in the evening. I'll try to be patient, but eventualy I think I will ask them at the gym. To make sure I'll have Zumba classes that week, I already scheduled classes at other gyms.

Tuesday I had a class of zumba followed my a class of dance fit (club dancing). It was late and I almost fell asleep on the bus on my way home.

So yes, it's been a very long and busy week. Tomorrow I have two Zumba classes straight from work. I was hoping for a male instructor to replace the normal instructor, but looking at the schedule, I see he's been replaced with a female instructor I never heard about before.

Today my "Crazy Happy" Zumba top was in the mail box.. I'm so happy to finaly have it! It fits me perfect and I can't wait to wear it some day. I tried it on with my runner's tights. I still haven't had the gutt to wear the tights before, but tomorrow I will! I finaly feel comfortable wearing those.

Saturday I have nothing planned, so I'll probably be either cleaning, shopping or both! And probably watch some more dance movies. Tonight I saw "Dirty Dancing 2" and "Step Up".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's been a busy week!

It's been a very busy week for, but since today is Wednesday and I have Zumba in the afternoon for a change, I plan to write a blog when I get home later in the afternoon.. I have so much to say, but haven't had the time to do it due to Zumba, family and freinds' events.. But I'll be home tonight and finaly have a bit of "me time" at home.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Zumba afternoon!

Today I got another note from the gym saying my Zumba class scheduled for tomorrow and Tuesday was canselled because the instructor had gone to Colombia to be around her family after the death of a family member. So I had to check my calendar again and booked new classes. So next week I'll be spending Tuesday like yesterday wíth zumba and club dance. I didn't bother signing up for zumba tomorrow as it would mean I have to go to another gym that I've never been to.. So instead I'll probably go for a little walk and do some shopping. My calendar looks so booked already, that I think it's ok that I don't have any plans tomorrow.

Sunday I'm going to the Christianing of my friend's baby girl Nancy. I already bought a gift, but I want to buy another small gift. Problem is. I have no idea what I should get her. Hopefuly tomorrow I'll find something. I also volunteered to baking a cake for the party after church. Only problem is, I only have time to bake the cake Friday evening. Hopefuly it'll be ok. I plan on baking the cake(s) Friday and decorating in Saturday. I plan on making a banana cake with pink frosting and pastel colored marshmellow candy. I love decorating cakes. Hopefuly they will show up as cute as I picture them in my head. I'll post a picture once the cake is all ready.

Saturday I'll be at my grandma's place with the rest of my family. We're stepping in to to her with some garden work. I don't know yet what my job will be, but I usualy cut some wild branches of her trees and such. I'm sure there'll be something I can do to help out.

Friday I'm going to have my hair cut at the salon.. I have long hair and haven't been at the salon for 5 months so my hair is starting to look messy. Hopefuly I'll look fresh for the week-end.

Today I went to the gym straight from work. I did some shopping on the way to the gym. I bought "Step Up to the Streets" - I haven't seen any of the Step Up movies. I wanted to see them when they were in the movies, but they didn't bring it to my city. The other day I bought my favorite movie "Save the Last Dance." I never took dance classes, but I always loved dancing and dance movies inspire me.. Of course I also have Grease and Dirty Dancing.

At the gym, I had time to work a little weights before Zumba. It was a new instructor today. Her methods were so different than what we were all used to. I think once she gets the hang of it, she'll be as good as the other instructors. It seemed like she wanted to teach us the main steps from the beginning and therefore took it very slow. But most of us already know the steps very well. No matter what. It felt great. Because it was in the afternoon, it was still warm and sunny outside, so I went on a little stroll in town before going home.

When I got home, I sat in the sun on my balcony and changed the shoelaces of my zumba shoes. When I was in Germany, I bought some cool shoelaces and I decided to mix the neon green and neon pink for some more fun.

The male instructor still talks about my zumba shoes, and I noticed that 2 other women now has zumba shoes. From what I see on-line, the people who bought zumba shoes for some reason get addicted and buy more. I wonder when that will be me. I know Zumba is such a happy sport that one thing can lead to the other. I don't care if I end up truly comitted and addicted, cause I have so much fun with zumba in my life!

Yesterday I won the "Crazy Happy" Zumba top at auction on ebay. I hope my 2 Zumba tops arive soon. Especialy the last one. I can't wait to wear it..