Sunday, October 21, 2012

My first impression of Zumba Sentao

October 6th. was my first time to try Zumba Sentao, when ZES Donna Giffen was doing a master class at the Zumbathon.

20 local instructors were on stage to do the warm up, before everyone grabbed a red chair and lined up for Zumba Sentao. I didn't know what to expect and as Donna showed us the routines, I found it more and more to be "Feminess" - a chair based dance routine to make women feel more feminine. Local gyms have offered this type of dance before. But ok, I saw the Zumba dance styles.. However, dancing merengue around an empty chair, just does nothing for me. I say, put a guy in the chair and dance around him, now that sounds more inspiring to me. The chair was moving, so I realy think there should be some sort of weight put on to the chair, if you have to dance around it. When Donna Giffen finaly made us sit in the chair, I finaly saw it. It's harder than you would think, to lift your legs up, when sitting on a chair. I see how Zumba Sentao could benefit people working in an office all day. But when you work like me, standing and walking all day... Regular Zumba is fine. I prefer to dance!

In the picture above, you see the three local Zins with Zes Donna Giffen, handing two women from the Danish Cancer Orginazasiton a cheque with the value 20.225 DKR collected at the Zumbathon for the Brest Cancer Campaign. I'm proud to say I have been at all 3 Zumbathons for this campaign!
Tomorrow I'll join the master class with Steve Boedt. He was so much fun the last time, so I'm predicting I'll have a lot of fun! Will try to take pictures, but it's hard to take good pictures in big rooms that are have a lot of lamps. I will try to catch the feeling on camera if it's possible.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's Pink Saturday!!

The national "Pink Saturday" or "Lyserød Lørdag" as we call it here in Denmark, has arived!

I'm on my way to the Zumbathon that is being held to raise money for the Danish "Pink Party" cause. It's the 3rd. time I join the Zumbathon for this cause. The 1st. time was in October 2010 when I had only been going to Zumba for a couple of months. My Brasilian instructor was guest indtructor that time and I thought it was a good cause, so I joined!!

My mom survived Breast Cancer, so I always want to join these zumbathons in honor of her.

I brought my camera, so I hope to take some nice pictures to post here!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer ended Fall is here with more Zumba

So, I never did do a catch up by the end of July... August has past, too and September has just started.
With September being here, it also means that a new season has started. That includes more zumba and hopefuly salsa as well.
I guess I should tell you, that I had my first actual zumba performance on my birthday this year. The city hosted a cyckling race and we did some cheering zumba as warm up for the event. Another girl from my zumba class also joined at the performance. The fun thing was... I'm exactly twice her age, which kinda make me feel bad, but also cool at the same time... Cause I might be older than some, but I can still shake my booty... and some of the women are a lot older than me, so it brings me joy, knowing that because of zumba, women all ages, are now having the time of their lives :)
We were 20 people on a small mobile (truck) stage... and let me tell you, it was shaking a lot, but we kept doing our rutines and it was a lot of fun.
I have to exchange my Monday work out at the gym, latin mix and dance fit, with Zumba, as the dance instructor moved to another city. That means I could end up with a schedule looking like this:
Monday: Zumba
Wednesday: Zumba for a couple of weeks - Salsa Freestyle, starting September 19th.
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Zumba
Sunday: 2 x Zumba
With my busy schedule, I also allow myself to skip zumba if I feel like it.. Luckily I feel like it most of the time... Cause it's my lifestyle and it keeps me happy! I saw a sign in town yesterday. It made me stop and think..." Hey, that's me!"

The shops were open for an "open by night" event and the library also had a sale of old books and look what I found laying on the shelf, waiting for me!

The Dvd was missing, but that's ok. I'm so happy to finaly own the book. I've been thinking of buying it several times :D
I bought my ticket to the next Steve Boedt Masterclass in town, which will be October 22nd. I'm also gonna join the national "Pink Saturday" Zumba Marathon October 6th. The Zes Donna Giffen will be there and I'm curious to see what Zumba Sentao is all about. "Pink Saturday" is the day we collect money for the Danish Komen society (Breast Cancer organisation).
I will try to take pictures at both of these events, cause I regret not having any pictures from the last time Steve Boedt was around.
My salsa instructor is finaly back in Denmark and he will have his usualy Salsa Freestyle classes starting September 19th. This time I realy hope enough people sign up, so they won't cancel the class.
Will try to update more in the future. This summer I've been hanging out at my balcony tanning, whenever I had the chance. Fall is here now, so with the cooler temperature and the darkness aproaching earlier in the evening, I'm sure there will be more time to post!
I had a wonderful summer!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Been busy, busy, busy

I have been awful busy lately... In April and May, I was traveling a lot... May, June and some of July have been super busy as well, with awesome zumba with my favorite instructor!!! Sadly he only has a couple more classes before he leave for holiday and a new life, working in Norway! I'm gonna miss him and his zumba so much. I'm not afraid to say, that he is my inspiration. Because of him, I now know so many varieties of music genres.. Because of him, I can bust out a new move, surprising and teaching my friends haha.

A couple of days ago,we had a small zumba-summer-garden party. We started his Zumba classes 2 years ago and because he inspired us all, we managed to get to know one another pretty good. He said we have been one of the best group of people to teach, cause we also inspire him! He then said we should think about going in small trips abroad, together as a group, for zumba events, cause he can tell, that we have a good chemistry, all of us together! I'm the zumba freak of the group, he said... Well, it's true.. I do look up events and try to make other people sign up and go with me, but I've never actualy done zumba abroad. It'll be fun to see it happen some day! I created a group on facebook, which is where we try to keep in touch, as we all go to different gyms now.

I'm on my way to Samba Fit and Zumba now.. My ankles are a bit sore, from being at a music festival for three days, but I hope it won't affect my samba/ zumba too much.

Since I've been busy, I realize I have loads to catch up on... I can't promise when, but I will do it. Possibly by the end of July, when I have a week off from work, with no plans.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Zumba Carnival 2012

I know I still have a lot of catching up to do... But like I said. I've been super busy.

Last weekend was the Carnival here in my home town. I joined up with a small group of people from my zumba class. We met for breakfast in town and went from there, to where we had to team up and get in line for the parade. Our carnival is for everyone, which means everyone can join the parade in whatever costume they like. A lot of people dress up every year. To most people, it's an opportunity to get drunk and have fun! This year the weather was so great. Best carnival weather in a long time. We brought a long a huge ghetto blaster to play our zumba music, but as soon as we hit the play button, it was clear to us, that we were not gonna be able to hear the music when the other dance group brought mobile discos with huge speakers... But to our luck, the dance troup ahead of us was playing music that we already new from zumba, so we just "borrowed" the music from them. Phew!
The theme of the carnival was "Turning around the world" or as we say it in Danish "the world on the head" - so although we were only gonna dress in zumba clothes with bright colors, I decided to add some flags to my hair and a small globe.

After the parade, we found a place in the shadow and had something to drink. We brought our drinks on the carnival vagon that I made for us.
After drinking most of what we had brought a long, we went to the park that hostet the big carnival party. We found a place in the little shadow we could find that day.
I noticed a spot on my top... Let's face it. You can't join a carnival and expect to walk away spot free. I showed it to one of the other girls and she suggested I used vanish and it would disapear. Little did she know, that I was already testing vanish. So I told her that I had been trying it out and was definitely going to give this spot a try, too.
This is my result:

The spot is definitely gone... The color difference is only on the picture.. Guess I used flash in one of the pictures.

So my carnival ended spot free and one to remember! It was the first time I was in an actual dance troup in the carnival and it was a lot of fun. Will definitely think about joining the parade this way next year as well. After the dance troups, the regular people walk around in their costumes, drunk and having fun. The hole city participates, but I think it's more fun to be sober and dance, to get drunk and walk around.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Having a blast...

I know I haven't posted much lately... I've simply been having soooo much fun!

Martin Del Villar Master Class, 3 weeks of traveling and concerts with my friends... And now my favorite instructor from Brazil has returned for a couple of months and I, of course, signed up for all of his classes :D
Saturday my city celebrates the anual Carnival. My new Zumba instructor asked if we wanted to participate in the parade, so now a bunch of us will join the parade as a "dance troup." I've only been home for a week, so these days I'm busy preparing.

I will write more about everything I've done when I have more time!

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Keeping up with Zumba during Easter Break

Because of the Easter Break and one gym moving to another location, I've tried my best to still keep in shape and up with zumba, using one of the other gyms in the meantime. March 30th., April 2nd. and April 5th. I was at what used to be my regular gym, years ago. They were classes by three different instructors. So because I had no other options, I used the opportunity to check out some new instructors. I like to try different instructors, so I can recommend them to others. I'm being honest when people ask for my oppinion. One of the instructors was a new ZIN as of January 2012. He turned out to be someone that I had been standing next to at one of the other zumba classes. It was clear that he needed routine, but I loved the fact that he used a lot of Brazilian music and had a way of spreading joy and positive vibes so we all had a lot of fun. Because he's so new, I'll definitely check him out later. In my mind, I'll try to remember him as one of the best instructors I've come across.

Yesterday we had the first regular zumba class at the new gym. Because of Easter and because of the new location, we had a "dress up Zumba class." It was a lot of fun. Had I known how hot the new place would be, I probably wouldn't have worn so much clothes... But I managed.
I now know, that a laced up skirt is too warm for zumba... And jewels in your forhead can also get very warm. I took the opportunity of dress up zumba, to go sleeveless for the first time ever during zumba. It's not as bad as I thought, but I'm still not 100% confident of doing it. I lost so much weight that my arms have slimmed quite a bit, but I now have loose "chicken wing" arms. I hope that I will be able to build some muscle so I can get ridd off the loose skin. I have considered getting cosmetic surgery on my arms so many times. Before zumba, I was thinking of a fat reduction... But now, because of zumba (THANK GOD), I'm thinking of a skin reduction. However, I have decided not to do it. I have had problems with staphylococcus before, so I think it's too big a risk, to go through surgery. That goes for a tummy tuck, which would also be concidered by some if they were bothered with the lose skin, like me. Luckily I'm not as affected by all this as some. I'm simply happy to have lost so much weight. My arms now fit in almost all sleeves, because whatever lose skin I have, it will form the shape of the sleeve I'm fitting in to. But I must say, I'm not happy with the pictures that show a ring of loose skin around my stomach, but remind myself that it's better to look like that, than how it was before my weightloss.
The new gym is wide, but narrow... which basicaly means, we can only form 3 lines instead of 10. That also means, that I'm now forced to look at myself in the mirror, which is something I always hated doing. But who knows, maybe some day, the mirror will turn up to be my friend?! I hope so.
Tomorrow morning I have two zumba classes at the new gym. After this week-end, I should start to have a normal zumba/ gym routine again... But I think it will take a week to get used to, as my 5 weekly zumba classes, will now be at two different gyms. Luckily the other gym is the gym I already go to for my latin mix and dance fit classes on Mondays, so it shoudn't be that hard.

Tuesday I went to my Ladystyling Class. We did more of the ancient Gods dance steps. I must say, it's something else.We danced to "Canto de Yemaya." Yemaya is the goddess of Water. What gives me the most trouble when it comes to the ancient dance steps, it's that the beat is so different from what I'm used to. I think it's because it's slow and I always had trouble dancing to slow music. I hate it. But I try my best. Here's the song.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is great


Now that I'm on my 2nd day of my Easter break, I finaly decided that it was time for an up-date, cause so much has happened lately and a lot is about to happen in the future. So let me go through my callendar and give you an up-date of what has been going on!

In Februray I started taking Cuban Ladystyling classes. It's funny. I live in, what is considered a big city, here in Denmark, so I was expecting more participants than the couple of us, that already knew eachother from zumba. But only one other person joined us. Later on, another woman joined us.. And funny enough, was it a girl I knew from school and girl scout. So yeah, it might be a big city, but the world is small. Our instructor had to cancel two classes, so to make up for it, she will have a class during Easter break, which means this upcoming Tuesday. We are now 5 (6) students at the class and I know all of them. Funny. My zumba instructor might join us some day, but more about that later.

Because people I know from zumba has asked me if it was possible to join my other salsa classes, the salsa freestyle, without paying a monthly fee at a gym, I asked my instructor and the gym, if it was possible to work something out. The thing is. The salsa freestyle classes are late in the evening and across the river from the main city, so people think it's not easy to access. We have only been 3-5 students every week. Sometimes just two. My instructor agreed to make a class kinda like a course where 12 people would have to sign up. The gym agreed to make people pay for 10 salsa freestyle classes instead of a monthly fee and they were kind to find us a place in the center and in the afternoon. So I made some flyers that I gave to people I knew might be interested. Problem is. We can't seem to find 12 people. It's like the other salsa course.. Cuban ladystyling. Because it's new, not many people know it excits. Well, I hope my flyers will work. But, we've come across another problem. My salsa freestyle instructor has traveled to Guatemala. However, he made sure that his dance partner could take over the new classes in cause we are actualy able to form a team of 12. When he annonunced he would go to Guatemala, the gym decided to end his classes. So I no longer go to that gym. We were hoping to have one last class at the gym, as a goodbye class, but unfortunately he got sick and the last class was cancelled. So now I only attend my Cuban ladystyling class once a week.

March 11th. I went with 14 other girls from my zumba classes and our instructor to lunch at a restaurent. It was a lot of fun! I talked with my instructor about some dance party events that my salsa instructor has a couple of times a month, and she said she would like to go with me to one of those partys some day. The next party turned out to be a party in honour of my salsa instructor, because of his trip to Guatemale, so it seemed very appropriate that I attended that one. So the next Saturday I met up with my zumba instructore and went to the party. They always start the salsa partys with a couple of dance classes. My zumba instructor is like me. She also prefer dancing alone rather than couple dancing. My salsa instructor started warming up the crowd with salsa freestyle and I felt safe cause that was something I knew how to do. But then my salsa instructor said, form a circle and lets do man woman couple dancing. UGH!!! It was so stressful for me cause I have never done couple dancing before. And worst of all, we had to do spins. Now I know my right and left spins, but I know nothing about doing it while holding another person in the hand while doing it. So because I was so stressed and trying to keep focus, I had a hard time following the routines we were suppose to do. Especialy since it was hard to see the instructor when dancing as a couple. I mean, the guy was blocking my view. We had to do the partner switch and it became more and more clear to me why I was afraid of couple dancing. Cause some of these guys were so macho trying to teach me the routines. Some were soft and gentle (I especialy noticed that the gay couple guys were the most pleasent guys to dance with) and others almost used force to make me do right. eeek! My zumba instructor gave up before me, so when I finaly saw my chance to also sit down, I did. After that, my salsa instructor's brother gave a class in Domonican Bachata. This time we decided only to participate in the freestyle routines. After two hours, the actual party started. My salsa came over to greed me and say thank you for coming. Since we had zumba the next morning, we decided to leave after the two classes. I was glad I had my debut at a salsa party, but I don't think I will participate in the couple dancing again before more practice. If I have to learn how to do turns as a couple, I would like to practice with one person for a while, before attending a party with partner switch cause it realy gave me a bad impression, that some of the guys were so macho and annoyed with my bad skills. SIGH
March 15th. I attended a master class with Fitness and Zumba Guru (ZES) Steve Boedt!
It was a great master class. That guy realy knows how to perform while making other people sweat their butt off with a huge smile and a laugh! Heres a picture my friend Tina took of me. I completely forgot that I brought my own camera, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures of Steve. From now on, I promise myself, that I will try to take a couple of pictures from the various events I attend! The place of the master class, was a huge gym hall in the building "Nordkraft" which is also where I go to lady styling. It's a brand new gym and it has so much atmosphere. It was kinda sureal to be doing zumba in the middle of the floor, whle people on the first floor was running a treadmill or spinning on a bike and grown men were climbing the tall climbing wall and other people were just standing on the first floor to have a look at all the fun that was going on at the floor. Loved it!

March 25th. I attended a Zumba Event starring two local instructors and two of the professional dancers from our "Dancing with the Stars."
I knew this was not gonna have the same atmosphere as the Steve Boedt masterclass, but I had fun. When I got home, I noticed that my shoes had soaked up quite a bit of pine resin grease(?) on the floor. Yes, it was an old hand ball arena that we were in. Hate that. Luckily I didn't trip. But seriously. Pine grease and zumba are not the best cocktail. I had some struggle trying to remove it.

March 29th.was the very last time we had zumba in the gym I go to. The Fitness chain has moved the gym to a new building instead. That means I will start to have a new zumba schedule to follow... Well, I'm sure I can make it work. I already wrote down the new bus schedule to use. Also, one of the classes will be at another gym, which is the one I normaly only go to on Mondays. Ohh well. I'm a city girl and city girls afjust!
I'm on my Easter break now. Actualy April means more time off from work than at work for me. I love it! I go back to work on April 10th. April 13th. I'm able to squeeze in a Masterclass by Martin Del Villar. I simply couldn't pass the opportunity of seeing a Colombian instructor. I knew about the event for months, but after seeing the video below, I was determined! I had to see this guy and I was hoping I could make people join me. So I told people from the gym about the event and I actualy managed to get 17 people and our instructor tickets! It's gonne be so much fun!!

Now after all these great zumba events, I then have some great concerts to look forward to. My favorite band NKOTB has joined up with BSB for a European NKOTBSB tour. That brings me to Belfast, Dublin, Amsterdam and back here in Denmark in May. I'm hooking up with 3 friends and we're gonna have so much fun. concerts, guys, shopping and more. I can't wait! Funny enough, all 4 of us has picked up Zumba eventhough we live in 3 different countries. Zumba rules!

And when all the concerts are done and over with, my favorite instructor returns from Brazil for a couple of months. Ahhh, how much more perfect can my spring get???

Monday, March 26, 2012

It's been a while

I haven't been updating this site in quite some time... It's not that I have been lazy and not been active in the period I was MIA... Frankly I've been more busy than ever... Been to a couple of Zumba events, a salsa party and much more...

I got some bad news about my weekly salsa class, Wednesday night. The class is no more :( Hopefuly there will be another class later. Luckily, whenever there's been some bad news, I also get some good news. The good news this time is... That my favorite Zumba instructor will be joining us again from May 19th. He now lives in Brazil, so whenever he's coming over, we'll create a team and start working intensive on our zumba... Cause you gotta grab the chance when it's there :)

I'll write more about what I've been doing later and also have some exciting news to share.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

I just wanna dance!

Oh my! Has it been a month already? Well, not yet... But almost. I have been having so much fun... With each day passing by, I promised myself that I would write a blog post. Well, I always had something else to do. But today is the first day in a long time, that I'm dedicating the entire day to.... ME!

Been enjoying myself this morning with another round of tidying up while dancing. Music and dance make me so happy, that if I could, I would be dancing all the time.. I'm glad to have a work, that allows me to dance while working... But only when noone sees it. I always carry my ipod with me at work. Sometimes I feel like listening to radio and sometimes I listen to my music. Music just make the work seem to go faster. Since I rarely get a day with no plans, I decided to put on a movie. Inspired by my salsa instructor's latest party theme, I'm watching "El Cantante" or as it's titled here in Scandinavia "King of Salsa." My salsa instructor and his new dance company started hosting salsa, bachata and Foró partys every Saturday. Since none of my friends are interested in salsa, I never found my way to one of the partys. Maybe someday. The salsa I go to once a week, is salsa freestyle, We dance salsa, bachata, bachanga, cha cha cha and... something I would describe as show dance. It's a lot of fun. We dance solo, so I never danced with a partner and quite frankly, I don't think I would be any good at it. So that's another excuse for me not to go to those partys. I simply wouldn't know how to dance with a partner.

So anyway. as the days go by, I stick to my dance fitness. That means latin mix, dance fit, salsa freestyle and zumba.
January 28th. I attended an African dance event. I love African music. The right music always makes me wanna dance... So I just added 40 new African songs to my ipod playlist. Including this one
Anything that has a nice beat, I will dance to. And African music always sounds so happy to me.

In salsa freestyle, we're practicing a dance to this song...
The more we practice, the more it comes clear to me, that it's a show dance routine. It's fun. Our instructor calls us "Advanced dancers" by now. But after only having danced in 6 months, I still consider myself as and "advanced beginner." Salsa is still new to me. Had it not been for my zumba instructor being a profesional Brazilian dancer, I would probably not have known more than the two basic steps. I don't know if I'll ever learn how to dance regular salsa, but I kinda like this show dancing thing, too.

I noticed that the old gym I used to go to for my zumba, had launced a new type of dance fitness called "Latin Funk." It sounded like fun, so I decided to give it a go. It was strange being back in the old gym, after being away for 6 months. I was back in my old corner spot, but looking around, I didn't see any familar faces except for 3 that I had heard were coming, from my old zumba class. Most of the people were older than me. The instructor was a lot younger than me. It was easy to see that she had been dancing at dance schools before. When I was a kid, I swore I would never join a dance school. Why? I remember the youth club I went to. Seeing how stiff the girls were when they did their dance routines. I didn't think it looked good. At dance schools, they teach kids exactly how to copy a routine. Which is fine. But most of these kids don't know how to put personality or their own touch to the routine. That's why I have always been my own, freestyle dancer. Well, the latin funk instructor was stiff. The music she chose was not that good either. And at one point, she told everyone to lay down and do push ups. I could see everyone else enjoying themselves.. But I decided not to join that class again. It's fine cause I also have another dance class on Tuesday nights now.

Last Tuesday I met for my very first Cuban Ladystyling class. We were only 4 participants and the instructor told us that they normaly wouldn't have the class unless more people signed up. We're crossing fingers that the class will continue, cause I already learned a lot. I'm very bad at making the proper movements with arms and hands when dancing. It's a bad habit I have when dancing. I always let lose and never think about what my arms are doing... Yes, that has sometimes gotten me into trouble, hitting people by mistake, but that's just cause I'm so much into my  own little dance. Salsa is all about body language and the arm and hand gesture is very important. Hopefuly the Cuban ladystyling combined with salsa freestyle, will one day make me dance better. Whenever we make salsa turns in zumba class, I practice making a pretty arm and hand gesture cause in zumba I can let go and not think about what other people think as we're often 30 zumbanistas dancing together. In salsa freestyle we're only 4-6 which means the instructors eyes are on everything we do. Well, in the Cuban ladystyling class, the instructor taught us how to move our torso from side to side. I never thought about that. But now that I know, I can totaly see that I have been doing it somewhat, without knowing it. Now that I know about that detail, I will practice more.

Today I went on the scale for the first time in a couple of weeks. I'm so happy. Turns out that I'm getting closer to another weightloss. After I lost the 30kg. pretty fast, I started putting on zumba muscle weight. I got more toned, put on 6 kg. and the weightloss stopped. Well, it's now been some time, and the way I see it, my body has finaly adjusted with the new muscle weight and letting me lose weight again! I'm happy the way I am now. But I still have a lot of fat in various areas, that I would like to say good bye to. Now that I know I'm able to lose weight again, I know I can lose some again. kg. by kg. I don't know if it was the Cuban ladystyling or what it was, but I can definitely see a change in my stomach area. My belt has become lose. I love it! I know I'll be able to maintain. It's all about the dance :) My Brazilian zumba instructor also annouced that he will be back to give us intensive zumba classes (which means hard core zumba every day!!) in May. Whenever he's back, I lose weight. That's why it's so sad that he now lives in Brazil. Atleast we know he still wants to help us all out whenever he has the chance!

Tonight I finaly bought my ticket to a Zumba Masterclass with Steve Boedt. I heard a lot of good things about him, so I decided that I would go.

Keeping busy... Oh yeah! 2012 is all about the dance and being happy!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

what a great week!

I'm so excited. I managed to lose 3kg. this week. 3 kg. in 1 week. How is that even possible? Well, I'll tell you. By now, I'm sure most people know that I'm very active. I didn't have anything on the program Tuesday and Saturday, but other than that, I've been busy with various dance and zumba classes. Since I basicaly live in my sports bag, I don't have much time to cook. There for I'm so happy that I discovered a very simple dish, that only takes 5 minutes to prepare. "Root fries." I rinse potatoes, carrots, selleri and red beet, cut them in to french fries sizes and put them in my Tefal ActiFry. Because I have had a tendency of preparing (and eating) too much, I now only prepare 500-600g. While that cook in the ActiFry, I have time to get ready to leave after dinner or jump in the shower if I'm just home from zumba.

Another thing that's helped me lose the weight is... WATER. I received a new water bottle from my cousin a couple of weeks ago. It was one that I requested from the states, but she didn't have luck finding it till now. I now use the "H2O Water on the go jr." water bottle and drink much more water than before. I always bring water, but lately I noticed that I didn't drink as much water as I used to. But after switching to the new water bottle, I drink 1l. of water. The water just come out with a better flow and the handle makes it easier to carry. I even fill the bottle after zumba and drink another liter of water on my way home. I saw the bottle used by Cameron Diaz in the movie "What Happens in Vegas". It just looked so simple to drink from.. And it realy is.

So there you have it. My succesful weightloss this week is a combination of zumba/ dance, water and veggies. I'm not a vegetarian at all, but if meatless meals will make me lose weight, I have no problem not eating meat.

So, Friday my zumba instructor informed me, that the funk classes I was looking forward to, won't be a reality anyway. The instructors are too busy and the gym is about to close. Not close, but move to a new address. That's suppose to happen in April. The gym chain I go to, have 5 gyms in the city and I can join all of them, but I go to the ones I feel have the best classes to offer for me. As things are now, I still don't have anything on my schedule Tuesday and Saturday, but in February I'll start the Cuban lady styling class. Well, the good thing about being me is... I can do whatever I decide to do!

Next week, my schedule will look like this week. No changes. I hope my weightloss will continue, cause truth is. I never wanted my weightloss to end, as I have a long way to go. But I feel great the way I am now. I feel healthy and happy, but also big. I gained a bit from zumba muscles, but now that my body seem to have gotten used to the new muscles, maybe now it will allow me to start losing weight again. That would be great. If not, I'll just enjoy being healthy.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dancing my days away...

Monday was a huge succes. Although I only had 3 day, I managed to arrange a small zumba class with 9 of my zumba friends. I'm pretty satisfied with the turn up, as it was on such short notice. I moved the tables and chairs to make plenty of room for zumba. I also asked my salsa instructotr to give the ladies a preview of the salsa freestyle classes I go to. It was a huge succes. Everyone had so much fun. The zumba instructor made some nice coreographs, but they were far from what we were used to. He used a lot of "aerobic like" moves. It was hard, but we managed. The next day, I could definitely feel which muscles in my body I had been using.

Wednesday, my salsa instructor brought his brother to our salsa class. It's been nice to see how both brothers have been enjoying themselves - teaching eachother things. They took pictures and made videos.

I've decided that I will try to dance more in 2012. I know that I've been very busy with zumba and dance in 2011, but I think I will try to have more fun with it in 2012. I still don't feel ready for couple dancing, so it's hard to find any dance classes where you dance alone. Of course I still want to go to my usual salsa freestyle classes on Wednesdays.. But I also managed to find another class similar to this one. It's a class in "Cuban ladystyling." I have big problems controling my arms when I dance. So I think this class will be perfect for me. I know my salsa instructor is trying to teach us lady styling, but I'm too shy to try infront of him. That's why I think the Cuban ladystyling class is perfect for me. That class is on Tuesdays, so it's perfect that I can go there Tuesdays and show off at his classes Wednesdays. It's a female instructor teaching the lady styling. I told my zumba friends about that class and they also signed up. So starting February, I'll have two salsa classes a week. The zumba instructor I now have at the gym, told us that starting February, there will be new Funk classes at the gym. I like to dance all kinds of dance as long as I can add my own twist to it, so I can't wait to give Funk a try. There are two different kinds of funk classes at the gym. A Funk intro class and a regular Funk class. I will try to stick with both.

Tomorrow I'll go to the latin mix and dance fit classes at the gym, which I haven't been to in almost 2 months. I'm trying to keep a good varity of dancing in my weekly schedule, so I don't stick to one and forget the other. Dancing different style will help me evolve as a dancer. Now, I never wanted to become a dancer. I will always prefer my freestyle, on the spot, dancing.. But I guess it takes a good dancer to come up with something good, right? Never the less, have people always been giving me compliments on my dancing, so actualy learning how to dance, can spice up my dancing, I guess.

This is the schedule I will try to follow for the rest of January:

Monday: Latin Mix & Dance Fit
Wednesday: Salsa Freestyle (I decided to skip the usual zumba as something better will come in February)
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Zumba
Sunday: 2 x Zumba

In February my schedule will change into this:

Monday: Latin Mic & Dance Fit
Tuesday: Cuban Ladystyling salsa
Wednesday: Funk Intro & Salsa Freestyle
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Funk & Zumba
Sunday: 2 x Zumba

Keeping in mind, that I will always listen to my body and take a break from time to time, if the schedule is too much. But it's part of my New Year's Resolution this year. Dancing more will let me have more fun and that's what 2012 is all about!

Happy New year!