Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is great


Now that I'm on my 2nd day of my Easter break, I finaly decided that it was time for an up-date, cause so much has happened lately and a lot is about to happen in the future. So let me go through my callendar and give you an up-date of what has been going on!

In Februray I started taking Cuban Ladystyling classes. It's funny. I live in, what is considered a big city, here in Denmark, so I was expecting more participants than the couple of us, that already knew eachother from zumba. But only one other person joined us. Later on, another woman joined us.. And funny enough, was it a girl I knew from school and girl scout. So yeah, it might be a big city, but the world is small. Our instructor had to cancel two classes, so to make up for it, she will have a class during Easter break, which means this upcoming Tuesday. We are now 5 (6) students at the class and I know all of them. Funny. My zumba instructor might join us some day, but more about that later.

Because people I know from zumba has asked me if it was possible to join my other salsa classes, the salsa freestyle, without paying a monthly fee at a gym, I asked my instructor and the gym, if it was possible to work something out. The thing is. The salsa freestyle classes are late in the evening and across the river from the main city, so people think it's not easy to access. We have only been 3-5 students every week. Sometimes just two. My instructor agreed to make a class kinda like a course where 12 people would have to sign up. The gym agreed to make people pay for 10 salsa freestyle classes instead of a monthly fee and they were kind to find us a place in the center and in the afternoon. So I made some flyers that I gave to people I knew might be interested. Problem is. We can't seem to find 12 people. It's like the other salsa course.. Cuban ladystyling. Because it's new, not many people know it excits. Well, I hope my flyers will work. But, we've come across another problem. My salsa freestyle instructor has traveled to Guatemala. However, he made sure that his dance partner could take over the new classes in cause we are actualy able to form a team of 12. When he annonunced he would go to Guatemala, the gym decided to end his classes. So I no longer go to that gym. We were hoping to have one last class at the gym, as a goodbye class, but unfortunately he got sick and the last class was cancelled. So now I only attend my Cuban ladystyling class once a week.

March 11th. I went with 14 other girls from my zumba classes and our instructor to lunch at a restaurent. It was a lot of fun! I talked with my instructor about some dance party events that my salsa instructor has a couple of times a month, and she said she would like to go with me to one of those partys some day. The next party turned out to be a party in honour of my salsa instructor, because of his trip to Guatemale, so it seemed very appropriate that I attended that one. So the next Saturday I met up with my zumba instructore and went to the party. They always start the salsa partys with a couple of dance classes. My zumba instructor is like me. She also prefer dancing alone rather than couple dancing. My salsa instructor started warming up the crowd with salsa freestyle and I felt safe cause that was something I knew how to do. But then my salsa instructor said, form a circle and lets do man woman couple dancing. UGH!!! It was so stressful for me cause I have never done couple dancing before. And worst of all, we had to do spins. Now I know my right and left spins, but I know nothing about doing it while holding another person in the hand while doing it. So because I was so stressed and trying to keep focus, I had a hard time following the routines we were suppose to do. Especialy since it was hard to see the instructor when dancing as a couple. I mean, the guy was blocking my view. We had to do the partner switch and it became more and more clear to me why I was afraid of couple dancing. Cause some of these guys were so macho trying to teach me the routines. Some were soft and gentle (I especialy noticed that the gay couple guys were the most pleasent guys to dance with) and others almost used force to make me do right. eeek! My zumba instructor gave up before me, so when I finaly saw my chance to also sit down, I did. After that, my salsa instructor's brother gave a class in Domonican Bachata. This time we decided only to participate in the freestyle routines. After two hours, the actual party started. My salsa came over to greed me and say thank you for coming. Since we had zumba the next morning, we decided to leave after the two classes. I was glad I had my debut at a salsa party, but I don't think I will participate in the couple dancing again before more practice. If I have to learn how to do turns as a couple, I would like to practice with one person for a while, before attending a party with partner switch cause it realy gave me a bad impression, that some of the guys were so macho and annoyed with my bad skills. SIGH
March 15th. I attended a master class with Fitness and Zumba Guru (ZES) Steve Boedt!
It was a great master class. That guy realy knows how to perform while making other people sweat their butt off with a huge smile and a laugh! Heres a picture my friend Tina took of me. I completely forgot that I brought my own camera, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures of Steve. From now on, I promise myself, that I will try to take a couple of pictures from the various events I attend! The place of the master class, was a huge gym hall in the building "Nordkraft" which is also where I go to lady styling. It's a brand new gym and it has so much atmosphere. It was kinda sureal to be doing zumba in the middle of the floor, whle people on the first floor was running a treadmill or spinning on a bike and grown men were climbing the tall climbing wall and other people were just standing on the first floor to have a look at all the fun that was going on at the floor. Loved it!

March 25th. I attended a Zumba Event starring two local instructors and two of the professional dancers from our "Dancing with the Stars."
I knew this was not gonna have the same atmosphere as the Steve Boedt masterclass, but I had fun. When I got home, I noticed that my shoes had soaked up quite a bit of pine resin grease(?) on the floor. Yes, it was an old hand ball arena that we were in. Hate that. Luckily I didn't trip. But seriously. Pine grease and zumba are not the best cocktail. I had some struggle trying to remove it.

March 29th.was the very last time we had zumba in the gym I go to. The Fitness chain has moved the gym to a new building instead. That means I will start to have a new zumba schedule to follow... Well, I'm sure I can make it work. I already wrote down the new bus schedule to use. Also, one of the classes will be at another gym, which is the one I normaly only go to on Mondays. Ohh well. I'm a city girl and city girls afjust!
I'm on my Easter break now. Actualy April means more time off from work than at work for me. I love it! I go back to work on April 10th. April 13th. I'm able to squeeze in a Masterclass by Martin Del Villar. I simply couldn't pass the opportunity of seeing a Colombian instructor. I knew about the event for months, but after seeing the video below, I was determined! I had to see this guy and I was hoping I could make people join me. So I told people from the gym about the event and I actualy managed to get 17 people and our instructor tickets! It's gonne be so much fun!!

Now after all these great zumba events, I then have some great concerts to look forward to. My favorite band NKOTB has joined up with BSB for a European NKOTBSB tour. That brings me to Belfast, Dublin, Amsterdam and back here in Denmark in May. I'm hooking up with 3 friends and we're gonna have so much fun. concerts, guys, shopping and more. I can't wait! Funny enough, all 4 of us has picked up Zumba eventhough we live in 3 different countries. Zumba rules!

And when all the concerts are done and over with, my favorite instructor returns from Brazil for a couple of months. Ahhh, how much more perfect can my spring get???

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