Sunday, April 8, 2012

Keeping up with Zumba during Easter Break

Because of the Easter Break and one gym moving to another location, I've tried my best to still keep in shape and up with zumba, using one of the other gyms in the meantime. March 30th., April 2nd. and April 5th. I was at what used to be my regular gym, years ago. They were classes by three different instructors. So because I had no other options, I used the opportunity to check out some new instructors. I like to try different instructors, so I can recommend them to others. I'm being honest when people ask for my oppinion. One of the instructors was a new ZIN as of January 2012. He turned out to be someone that I had been standing next to at one of the other zumba classes. It was clear that he needed routine, but I loved the fact that he used a lot of Brazilian music and had a way of spreading joy and positive vibes so we all had a lot of fun. Because he's so new, I'll definitely check him out later. In my mind, I'll try to remember him as one of the best instructors I've come across.

Yesterday we had the first regular zumba class at the new gym. Because of Easter and because of the new location, we had a "dress up Zumba class." It was a lot of fun. Had I known how hot the new place would be, I probably wouldn't have worn so much clothes... But I managed.
I now know, that a laced up skirt is too warm for zumba... And jewels in your forhead can also get very warm. I took the opportunity of dress up zumba, to go sleeveless for the first time ever during zumba. It's not as bad as I thought, but I'm still not 100% confident of doing it. I lost so much weight that my arms have slimmed quite a bit, but I now have loose "chicken wing" arms. I hope that I will be able to build some muscle so I can get ridd off the loose skin. I have considered getting cosmetic surgery on my arms so many times. Before zumba, I was thinking of a fat reduction... But now, because of zumba (THANK GOD), I'm thinking of a skin reduction. However, I have decided not to do it. I have had problems with staphylococcus before, so I think it's too big a risk, to go through surgery. That goes for a tummy tuck, which would also be concidered by some if they were bothered with the lose skin, like me. Luckily I'm not as affected by all this as some. I'm simply happy to have lost so much weight. My arms now fit in almost all sleeves, because whatever lose skin I have, it will form the shape of the sleeve I'm fitting in to. But I must say, I'm not happy with the pictures that show a ring of loose skin around my stomach, but remind myself that it's better to look like that, than how it was before my weightloss.
The new gym is wide, but narrow... which basicaly means, we can only form 3 lines instead of 10. That also means, that I'm now forced to look at myself in the mirror, which is something I always hated doing. But who knows, maybe some day, the mirror will turn up to be my friend?! I hope so.
Tomorrow morning I have two zumba classes at the new gym. After this week-end, I should start to have a normal zumba/ gym routine again... But I think it will take a week to get used to, as my 5 weekly zumba classes, will now be at two different gyms. Luckily the other gym is the gym I already go to for my latin mix and dance fit classes on Mondays, so it shoudn't be that hard.

Tuesday I went to my Ladystyling Class. We did more of the ancient Gods dance steps. I must say, it's something else.We danced to "Canto de Yemaya." Yemaya is the goddess of Water. What gives me the most trouble when it comes to the ancient dance steps, it's that the beat is so different from what I'm used to. I think it's because it's slow and I always had trouble dancing to slow music. I hate it. But I try my best. Here's the song.

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