Monday, April 4, 2011

Zumba week-end recap.. Finaly

I had been looking so forward to Saturday, as it was the big day.. First a zumba class and then off to the big Zumba Event.

Although Saturday morning zumba is early in the day (11am), and it's still early in the Spring, the heat is already starting to show it's signs in the zumba class.. We always get heated up within 10 minutes in the zumba class, even during winter... Imagine 30 sweaty women cramped togethed in a small room that will barely fit more than that. With Spring and plus degrees celcius, it gets so hot that sweat is now dripping, which I find disgusting. The gym has some new outdoor facilities that we will begin to use eventualy, but I'm not sure when exactly it will be.. But I can  already imagine how pleasent it will be to work out outdoor.. Only downside I see, is my Spring fever.. So far I haven't had a problem with it... But I'm pretty sure that once the Birch trees realy starts to drop it's pollen, you will find me sneezing with runny eyes. I do have tablets that I will take once needed as it varies a lot from year to year how much it will effect me. Worst case, I will be doing zumba wearing sunglasses. I'm game cause I'm getting tired of being in that sweaty room.

After the morning zumba class, we rushed to change into some dry gym clothes. I took down my sweaty hair hoping it would dry as much as possible on the way to the other gym. The other gym was a 20 minute drive away, but of course we ended up taking a wrong turn on the highway which let us to do a detour. Of well, we made it till 1 PM which was when we planned to be there. We brought our tickets to the entrance and we got a sandwhich, an apple, a snackbar and a bottle of water. As we were quite hungry after zumba class and it being lunch time, we sat down to relax for 5 minutes, eating a bit and building up energy to join in the zumba that had already started. I like that it's ok to walk in and out from a zumba class during the events like these.. We got up from the floor and joined in the others that were already at it. It's so easy to spot when some of the other zumbanistas know the instructors teaching class, cause they seem to know the moves better than others. I like to be a bit prepared, but it's ok. I do my best and laugh if I'm doing something totaly wrong. That's what zumba is all about. Having fun even if you mess up. Noone will judge you, but yourself, and you realy shouldn't, cause by doing zumba you're doing something good for yourself!
We were the last ones to get there, so we had to stand far back... It was ok, if it hadn't been for the chairs and the wall being so close. So we changed spots quite a few times, but it was never a problem. It was in a sports arena that is used for handball, which was easy to see as the floor had grease spots... I even saw full hand prints on the floor.. So disgusting. And from previous zumba events that I have been to, I know that grease can cause you to twist your ancles as it will stop you right away if you step on it during a step.. So I always tried to avoid those spots.
While we were at it, our zumba instructor from the mornig class, arived. He was there to teach a master class. I think 5 or 6 from our local zumba class were attending and then a couple of the other staff members of our local gym. During break, as we were eating and just relaxing, he came over to chat for a bit. It was funny. He never tells us which routines we'll be doing at Events, cause it's suppose to be for the fun of it he says.. So on the way up there, we were talking about which routines we would probably be doing.. And the 4 we talked about was also in his masterclass.. One of the girls asked med how I knew he would pick those 4... And I said... Easy. They were routines that had show potential. And a couple of the routines he changed some of the steps this morning, so yeah, there had to be a reason behind that, as he seemed to be making the routines easier that morning. Most of the girls/women in his class has been there since the beginning, so we're ready for advanced zumba.. However some of the advanced things he comes up with, is too tricky for my brain to figure out. Like how to spin during 2 salsa steps.. Seems so easy, yet I need to see it a couple more times. Lately we also had some new people join our zumba class, and they came to me asking howcome we all knew his steps.. I told them,  not to worry. Give zumba a chance and once you have seen the routines for 5 times, you will also be able to do those tricky steps, so I guess I will take my own advise and see if I can do those weird salsa spins after a couple of more times. In our normal zumba classes, we have been doing a routine quite a few times. It's a fun dance that involves dancing in line. We had to do the same at the Event, only instead of making people dance in line, they just had to turn to the side.. But the 5 of use were already standing in line, so we decided to do the dance like we're used to.
This is the song that we use for that routine, of course he changed the steps, but it's still a lot like in the video

It was so much fun to hear the women standing near by, as they commented on what our instructor was doing. "Yeah, that's easy for him to say we should do like that... But how do we do it" - and there I was, doing what he was doing and smiling to myself. It's the small victorys that count!
After the zumba master class with our instructor, there was a break again. A local bank had sponsored bottled water, which I was pleased to find out as I was very thursty from all the working out. I can't do one routine (song) in zumba class without whiping my head and neck with my towel quite a lot and drinking water. I don't know where the sweat goes on the other women, cause I never see their head being as sweaty as mine. Oh well.. I'm used to it, which is why I always like to stand in the back where I can grab my towel and water easily without interfering anything.
The last instructor on stage to do a master class, was a dancer who's famous for being in our "Dancing with the stars" (Ball room dancing). She's now a zumba instructor. It was easy to see, that she was a good dancer cause her routines were more advanced than normal ones.. But since our instructor is also a good dancer, I think I did ok. They have different ways of teaching and I think her way reminded me of the clowns in circus., saying "HEP".. That frustrated me a bit. Her master class was 1,5 hour long  so it was a tough one. As the last routine, before stretching out, she used "Proud Mary" and jumped down from the stage to turn it into a battle.
When everything was done, I went to change into some dry clothes again. I squeezed my hair bun and sweat was coming out of it. So disgusting.

We left the sports areana and were able to find our way home without using the GPS. I returned home as a proud woman after 5 hours of zumba.

The following day (yesterday), I got up early cause I wanted to take my bike to a shop near by, to buy a new stereo. The cd player in my old one no longer worked and as I saw a small and cheap one in a catalogue, I decided to get it right away. Let's face it. I love music, so I need a stereo that works. And the cool thing about my new stereo is.. I can also attach my Ipod.. My Iphone would fit in there, too, if it wasn't because of the cover I have on it. But hey, I have the same music on my Ipod as on my Iphone anyway, and the Ipod is just more simple to attach.
Speaking of my Iphone... I discovered this cool program that recognises music. If you hear a song in the radio, you just tap the phone, and the program will tell you which song you're listening to. It's perfect if you hear great music that you would like to get from Itunes. Yesterday I was at a Spring fair with my friend. I wanted her to see zumba cause I knew that there would be a small zumba show on stage. Before that, I talked with the 2 instructors as they're going to be at the Easter Zumba Event that I'm going to Saturday.. Along with the dancer from "Dancing with the stars." I told them, that my waist was hurting a bit from the 5 hours of zumba and they said not to worry, cause their routines would not be as hard as the professional dancer's. Later there would be a dance show from a latin dance school, that I also wanted to check out, as my instructor has been talking about it a lot. They were dancing salsa, zouk and lambada. My friend brought her 1-year-old daughter who wanted to get up and dance.. She was so cute that people stopped up to see her dancing. Personaly I always hated the idea of dance schools.. and I'm still not convinced. I'm just not a "couple dancing" person. I prefer dancing alone and freestyling. People always ask me where I was taught to dance anyway and well.. Apart from the new zumba steps, everything I dance is whatever comes into mind.. Probably because I always loved music, rhytm just comes natural to me. Anyway, the last song they were dancing to on stage, sounded pretty cool, so I remembered about the program and tapped it, and it came up with this one:
As I saw the result it came up with, I thought... what I surprise. That movie had been on tv this morning as I went to buy the stereo. I love the movie, so while I was shopping, I actualy bought the movie. I'm a dance freak and I now have most of the dance movies that you can get, apart from a couple. Maybe I'll do a dance movie post in a couple of dayse.. I won't do it now, as I have one more movie coming in the mail this week. The iphone App that I use for finding songs, is this one.
I'm guessing it can be used anywhere... From radio, concerts or even zumba classes. It's just a realy cool App, that I will probably be using at the zumba event on Saturday, now that I know how easy it is to use. In 30 seconds, it will tell you which song your're listening to, and it will save the song it's history so you can use it several time without the first song disapearing. It's so cool. You should check it out. I think it's also available for androids.

Today is Monday and I have today and tomorrow off from work. However, I have a latin mix and dance fit class on both days. Yep, it's going to be a fantastic Spring cause I feel so energized :)

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