Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring break!

Spring break has realy hit me and every gym in town.. Normaly when I took some days off work, I've been able to attend some morning dance classes at the gyms, but this time, it's hard to find any, because of the Easter holidays. But I must admit, with the weather being super warm, I could see myself living on the balcony and forgetting all about the gym for a while. But, but, but.. That can be very dangerous, so I will try to work out a schedule that is not gonna do too much damage on my weight. I think I might bring back an old work out, that I used to do years ago. It's called WALKING!!! There is a great pond near by, that I love coming to.. So a walk to the pond every day, should fix the lack of work out.

However, today I have a latin mix and a dance fit class to attend. Last night I was at a 2 hour Easter Event in the gym I normaly go to for my zumba classes. It was a mix of  feminess, salsa and zumba. The instructors were my zumba instructor and a female instructor.
We started off with feminess. Feminess being strp fitness. The instructor showed us some simple routines. They really were simple, but because I have so much energy in me, it has always been hard for me to dance to slow music. I didn't see it turning out to be a dance at all.. It was more like a catwalk with a few sexified expressions. After feminess, my instructor took over and started teaching us a few simple salsa steps, but of course he turned it into a show by making us say things like "ay ay ay" - "arrrrrrrrrrrrrriba" and "caramba!" while dancing. I brought my friend, so we were joking a lot with it. After salsa, zumba took over.. Finaly something familiar. After zumba, the strip fitness was back. This time with some  weird expressions on the floor. Now putting my legs up in the air is just not something I'm used to doing with that big of a company, so I couldn't help but giggling. It was realy odd being giving a routine to do while being on the floor, which involved "stripper legs" and body rolls. Funny, though. The funny thing is, I had been watching "Flashdance" the night before, and I'm sure the female instructor has found some of her inspiration in that movie. She finished off the event by showing us her own routine, that she will be using for a Danish national strip dance contest. It was ok, but I do think she could have come up with something better... But that is just the dancer in me trying to say, it was not showbizz enough, or something.. Hmmmm She used this song, which is one of my favorites these days, though.

All in all, the event was a success.. We all had soooooo much fun.. We usualy do in zumba class, and most of the people at this event, was the same people, so we were able to laugh some more. And I was introduced to the Feminess class, which I don't see  myself attending again, as it was too slow for me.

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