Friday, July 15, 2011

I've been to New York & Montréal

I apoligise for the lack of updates lately, but I've had a few things to deal with. All good, thank God.

To start with the most recent. I just got back from a trip to NYC and Montreal. It was awesome. The main goal for the trip was... Shopping, of course. It's been 10 years since I last was there, so I also took the trip as an aniverssary trip. Last time I was there, the WTC were still standing, but 1½ month later, was 9/11/2001. I'm so thankful that I had returned home safely. Especialy since I was flying from Logan air port in Boston, which was also where the 9/11/ planes took off from. A Bostonian actualy told me at the time, that Logan airport had so much bad karma, that something bad always happened. We did have a minor problem when taking off, as my friend seemed to have been checked in as another friend, whom had already left on an earlier flight. Anyway, I'm thankful to have been without any further problems.

We saw all the tourist sights such as Times Square, Central Park, Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, The Statue of Liberty, China Town. We also went to a mall in Queens, went shopping in Harlem and many more places.

I was hoping to bring home some new zumba sneakers, but a vist to both Sansha and Capezio, didn't leave to any purchase. I did find a few cute dance tops. One of them reads "I live for dancing." :) I will post a picture later.

While being in NYC, we also went to see Macy's big 4th. of July firework. It was awesome. 1 show would've been enough, but because they were doing it on the Hudson river, they had 7 firework displays and we could see all of them. It was awesome.

We stayed at a brand new hotel that had just opened in the beginning of June. The Yotel hotel. It was only a few blocks away from Times Square. We stayed at the 15th. floor with a great view. I recommend the hotel to anyone going to NYC.

July 1st. I made sure to go buy something very special on-line. The ultimate zumba experience was being put up for sale that day. Mr. Zumba himself, Beto Perez will be having a zumba master class in my country. It is so cool that he is actualy coming to my small country!! I'm so excited. I feel that zumba has changed my life and always wanted to grab the opportunity of meeting him once I had the chance. Well, it's coming! October 1st. I will join his master class in the capital of Denmark. Funny thing is. October 1st. is also my zumba instructor's birthday. I know that he will not be in Denmark at that time, as he's moving to Brazil in September. But hey, what great way to honor him, right? Beto, Zumba and me having a party on my instructor's birthday :)

After NYC, we took a train to Montreal to spend a couple of days there as my friend was attending two U2 concerts. I spend the time shopping and having a look around the city. Well, I didn't see much of the city as I was already tired from the week in NYC. I also went to see the Bio Dome one day, as I love animals. I loved it. I know it was not exotic animals, although they did have a small section with animals from the rain forest, but most of the animals were animals you can find in the various climates of the world. I saw animals that I never saw in any zoo before. Such a great experience! 
I didn't catch much sleep on the way home to Denmark. After a long trip abroad with many things to think back on, I just couldn't sleep on the plane ride home. Instead I killed some time watching "Black Swan" - the movie I was too scared to watch at the movies. I hate scary movies, but by watching it from the seat of the plane, I was able to look at the passenger in front of me's movie, so it was a pleasent way to both kill time and watch a scary movie. Afterwards I watched something crazy as "Gnomeo & Juliet."

As I got back home, I decided to see if I could avoid jetlag, by staying awake till night time. I thought I succeded, but then, then following night, I could only sleep for 1 hour and I was very tired at work. I still feel a bit tired, but hopefuly the jetlag will be over with this week-end.

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