Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

2011 has been a very exciting year for me. It's been a year ful of zumba and great adventures! Just this morning, I attended a New Year's Zumba event at the gym.

No doubt, that the picture of the year is this one:

Me & Beto - October 1st. 2011

In 2011 I decided that I would be my own motivation!!! But after meeting Beto, I must say... This picture will be my motivation. No, I'm not an instructor and I have no desire to become one at the moment.... But this past year, a lot of people have encouraged me to become one. And I won't forget that! I think I could become a great instructor, but for now, I just enjoy being a regular zumbanista ;)

2011 was also the year that I discovered Salsa freestyle. Salsa without a partner. Something that I had been longing for, as I have no desire in dancing with a stranger. To my luck, the gym I contacted, was giving a free salsa freestyle class, at it was something new they would ve offering, and they were testing the instructor that day! I've now been dancing salsa freestyle fir 6 months!

2011 was sadly also the year that my favorite zumba instructor moved to Brazil. Luckily he has connections here in Denmark, so he will come back from time to time and promised to give us zumba classes whenever he's back. He has already been back this December and gave us 12x2 classes. It was intense, cause he knows we like it that way. I lost 3kg!

2011 was also the year that my parents celebrated their 25th. Anniversary.

I hope that 2012 will be just a s good year as 2011 or better. Monday, January 2nd. I already made sure something exciting will happen. My salsa instructor wrote to me, that his brother was in town. He's a zumba instructor from Guatemala, who normaly lives in Norway. My salsa instructor knows how much I'm into Zumba, so he asked me if I could invite some other zumbanistas for some zumba classes with his brother, while he's in town. So Monday we'll be having zumba at the party room of my work.. I can't wait to see what kind of coreographs a latin dancer from Guatemala will come up with! We need more male, latin instructors in Scandinavia.

Happy New Year 2012!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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