Sunday, January 27, 2013

December was: Zumba, Zumba, Zumba and a little bit of Christmas

I apoligise for not writing in months... I can honestly tell you, that I've been busy.

I went to a lot of friends' and family birthdays in November, but of course I also found time for my Zumba and salsa.

December was spent with Zumba, Zumba, Zumba and.... Oh yeah... That thing called Christmas.

December 1st. I went with my friend to see a Kenyan dance show called "Out of Africa." I realy enjoyed it. It was a show about the evelopment of Kenya since day one. I was thrilled to find out that we could buy the show on dvd during the break. So since I got the tickets for free, from my work, I decided I would spend some money on the DVD cause I thought it was a great show. The music, the singing and the dancing. It was very emotional!
December 8th., my friends from "Team Betty Denmark" had a fundraising show, to collect money for Susan G. Komen, breast cancer organisation. I was among the performers as my Zumba class made a show team that voulenteered to do Zumba for an audience. I also made cupcakes with one of the other girls, that was sold at the event. The event took place at a small theater in town and it was my first time to stand in real theater lighting and boy was that hot. The sweat was dripping off like never before and you could not see anything due to a bright white light blinding you. But hey, we did it for a good cause and we all had fun.

The next day, December 9th., my old Zumba instructor came back and we had the pleassure of his top professionel Zumba with a dash of Axé, Zouk and Salsa, just the way we like it. He was only in town for a couple of weeks, so we did what we always do when he's in town. Get together and have some intensive training 2 hours a day. Wednesdays were my "salsa days" so the other days of the week was occupied by Zumba. In total I ended up with having 17 classes in 10 days. Yes, it was crazy. I'm glad that I managed to have most of my Christmas shopping done in November, cause otherwise I probably would've been too stressed to find the time for that much Zumba. But it was awesome as always.
December 19th. I went to Copenhagen for a couple of days and that was the beginning of my "Zumba Break." Because I had been so busy in the beginning of the month, I allowed myself to take some time off and be with friend and family and enjoy Christmas. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, but I must say. This year, I've been too busy to enjoy. I did have a nice time in Copenhagen and went to see a Christmas Fair at Tivoli, that was realy awesome.

somehow managed to catch something that could've been the cold flu virus. I never got sick, but suffered from coughing for 3-4 weeks during Christmas. Never the less, I had a lovely Christmas with my family. Celebrated Christmas eve with my parents, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, my twi grandmas and my cousin and his wife. December 25th. is my brother's birthday, so he and his girlfriend invited everyone for brunch the next morning.
And as always when my young cousin spends Christmas with us, Santa stopped by.

December 29th. me and my friend Tina had a visit from the Dutch girl we went to see in the Netherlands in Spring. She came to celebrate New Years Eve with us, so we spend a couple of days together before she went back home and I started working again.



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