Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer ended Fall is here with more Zumba

So, I never did do a catch up by the end of July... August has past, too and September has just started.
With September being here, it also means that a new season has started. That includes more zumba and hopefuly salsa as well.
I guess I should tell you, that I had my first actual zumba performance on my birthday this year. The city hosted a cyckling race and we did some cheering zumba as warm up for the event. Another girl from my zumba class also joined at the performance. The fun thing was... I'm exactly twice her age, which kinda make me feel bad, but also cool at the same time... Cause I might be older than some, but I can still shake my booty... and some of the women are a lot older than me, so it brings me joy, knowing that because of zumba, women all ages, are now having the time of their lives :)
We were 20 people on a small mobile (truck) stage... and let me tell you, it was shaking a lot, but we kept doing our rutines and it was a lot of fun.
I have to exchange my Monday work out at the gym, latin mix and dance fit, with Zumba, as the dance instructor moved to another city. That means I could end up with a schedule looking like this:
Monday: Zumba
Wednesday: Zumba for a couple of weeks - Salsa Freestyle, starting September 19th.
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Zumba
Sunday: 2 x Zumba
With my busy schedule, I also allow myself to skip zumba if I feel like it.. Luckily I feel like it most of the time... Cause it's my lifestyle and it keeps me happy! I saw a sign in town yesterday. It made me stop and think..." Hey, that's me!"

The shops were open for an "open by night" event and the library also had a sale of old books and look what I found laying on the shelf, waiting for me!

The Dvd was missing, but that's ok. I'm so happy to finaly own the book. I've been thinking of buying it several times :D
I bought my ticket to the next Steve Boedt Masterclass in town, which will be October 22nd. I'm also gonna join the national "Pink Saturday" Zumba Marathon October 6th. The Zes Donna Giffen will be there and I'm curious to see what Zumba Sentao is all about. "Pink Saturday" is the day we collect money for the Danish Komen society (Breast Cancer organisation).
I will try to take pictures at both of these events, cause I regret not having any pictures from the last time Steve Boedt was around.
My salsa instructor is finaly back in Denmark and he will have his usualy Salsa Freestyle classes starting September 19th. This time I realy hope enough people sign up, so they won't cancel the class.
Will try to update more in the future. This summer I've been hanging out at my balcony tanning, whenever I had the chance. Fall is here now, so with the cooler temperature and the darkness aproaching earlier in the evening, I'm sure there will be more time to post!
I had a wonderful summer!