Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's lacking towards an end. These are the updates.

I feel that I have been neglecting this blog a bit. I'm not sure if anyone actualy reads it, but I do see that a couple of people are stopping by every now and then. Well, this blog is like a journal for myself, so I will continue to write whenever I feel I have something to write about.

The bad news I mentioned is that the "Havana Night" salsa club closed down the day after I attended the zumba class. I was not expecting it to close down so soon. The club was brand new, but I guess they must've put more money in to it, than what they earned. It's sad that we have lost this club. I'm sure I could've spent many great evenings there, when everything else is for the young crowd. Oh well, atleast I'm happy that I was there for zumba the day before they closed.

Saturday, August 13th. I attended a master class with Mo Diakite and some Danish instructors. Not many people had signed up, so the event had moved from a big sports arena, to a normal zumba place. It's crazy, but so may people seem to have forgotten about Zumba during summer. Hopefuly more will start to remember the fun they had before the summer break. Mo was trying hard to keep the party going. He brought a guy called Sylvester the drummer. He played an African drum. It's my first experience to have an African drum give beats to dance to.. At times I thought it was not neccersarry, but then I started to listen more to the drum, than the music on the stereo and discovered a new rhytm to follow. I love African music, but when it comes to zumba, I wish I knew the songs better, so that I would know the rhytm before hand. Anyway, I had fun. I managed to get 5 people from my usual zumba class to sign up for the event, that would be their first event/ master class. I was wondering if they would see the joy in master classes, like I did or if they would say it had been a waste of money. Luckily they all liked it. One of the Danish instructors, Dennis Thomsen, brought his camera and took these pictures http://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.10150279478857808.354609.827492807&type=1.

And these are my own

My zumba instructor is moving back to Brazil after spending 8 years here in Denmark. I've enjoyed his classes so much. He has been my motivation for a year now. It's been a year with loads of positive things happening to me. All because of zumba and his passion for dancing. Oh, and my own passion for both as well. I asked him if he would be having any more classes before he takes off to Brazil. And to my luck, he voulenteered in having special "Good bye classes" made for us. That means, 2 classes every day!! Every day! So far I've been to 14 hours of zumba in 7 days. It's very sad that we have to say good bye to him. I've felt so honored to have him as my instructor. He was the best of the best. Which is also why he'll be going back to Brazil. For the fun of it, I took my calendar an counted the many hours I spent following his home made and very professional special touched up choreographies. Yesterday was my class number 100!! I only skipped 2 of his classes ever. Made up for it by joining events and marathons that he would be at. I still have 12 hours left - 6 days. What's gonna happen after that? It makes me a bit sad to think about. He is the guy who made me shrink 5 pant sizes. Will I be able to maintain after he leaves? Will he forget about us? I have so many unsolved questions, that only time can tell. Luckily I now have him on my facebook and hope to be able to keep in touch that way.
I'm my own motivation and I expect to continue my zumbalicious life style. I already go to a gym that offers great zumba almost every day. But it won't be the same without his Brazilian funk and Axe touches. Hopefuly I'll be able to remember what he tought us, but I know, in time, his coreographies will be gone. So sad. Atleast I know that I'll still be able to dance my butt off. People always gave me compliments on my dancing before I started going to zumba classes. He gave me inspiration for more.. New moves and new music I never knew excisted.. Like this one

In this past week he also introduced us to the Brazilian butt lift  and capoeira.. Ohh how I will miss him. I will never forget my first class with him, which was July 7th. 2010. He was teaching us samba and I had no clue how to do it. He then took my hands and followed me through the basic samba steps. Today I'm a pro at those . Who would have thought?

Monday, August 15, 2011

good news, bad news... It's all Zumbalicious to me :)

I can't believe how fast time is going... Or maybe it's something else... I feel that in the past 15 days, so much has happened. Bad new, good news and some realy exciting news.

It involves a great deal of zumba. But right now I'm too tired to write about it. For the next 2 weeks, I signed up for 2 hours of zumba every day, so I need to rest whenever I can. I will try to fill you in on  the news later this week.

Here is a sneak peak of what I was doing this past Saturday..